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Né(e) le 17 Sep. 1979
(45 ans)
04738020 Sao Paulo
Marcel d'Olive was born in São Paulo (Brazil) and he began his musical adventures at age of eight, studying violin. Graduated in Music and Violin by UNESP (State University of São Paulo) and by EMM (Municipal Music School of São Paulo), he has composed several songs and soundtracks for his troup
Inscrit : 14 août 12
Vus : 7,085*
Dernière visite : vendredi 16 mai 2014, 05:03
Heure locale : ven. 14 mars 2025, 18:45
8 message(s) (0 par jour)
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Hello people! Wanna hear a new song with piano? Click the link below. If you like it, please share and comment. Marcel d'Olive - That RayThank you very much!
Hello people! Now I'd like to share a live version of my music "Brittle Chime". If you like it, please share and comment. Thank you very much! http://youtu.be/Gux2UtdaDeQ
Hello people! I'd like to share my music video "Climbing the sky". If you like it, please share and comment. Thank you! http://youtu.be/e9Vn61sV7i0
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