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28 Oct 2002
Je tente ma chance de ce côté, car sur le site UK, personne ne semble connaître...

Config : iMac DV, Cubase 5.1

Je voudrais utiliser l'us-428 également pour controler des vsti (par ex. JX16,PPG).
Je connais, par la charte livrée par Tascam, les numéros de controleurs disponibles sous chaque fader, bouttons etc... Et je connais aussi les numéros midi CC correspondants à chaque bouttons ou fader du vsti.
Mais COMMENT dois-je communiquer ces messages vers le vsti???
Il n'y a aucune activité OUT au transport bar si je règle le OUT de la piste midi sur "428 Controler Port" au lieu de "Port 1 ou 2". Et si je laisse sur "Port 1", ce ne sont pas les controles midis qui sont envoyés mais les messages midis "normaux" du mixer (fader, pan, eq etc...) vers la piste audio sélectionnée côté 428.
PLEASE PLEASE, quelqu'un peut-il m'aider???????

Immense merci d'avance
21 Oct 2002
Hello everyone,
Sorry for the length of my topic...

About the "Four Control Banks Mode" with the TASCAM US-428

I'm rather new to the US-428 and would like to use it for the controls of vsti (e.g. Model-e and PPG for some sound tweaking) .

I'm running cubase 5.1 on an iMac DV with 512Ram. The 428 works perfectly and sounds great for me!!

As by the 428's mapping chart, in Ctrl-Bank 1, the fader 8 sends ctrl # 7 . Ok.
But HOW can I tell the system that this message must go TO the Model-e?
Normally in order to "speak" to the Midi-track of Model-e, I should stand on its midi-track in the Arrange Window. (as I would for playing the instr.)
The output of that track is then set to "Model-e" in order to send the data to the synth.
Tell me please if I'm wrong.
How could Cubase know I'm sending data via the 428-"Control Port" (as I'm using the "Four Control Banks Mode") and not the "normal Port1" or 2.

If I stand on another track where I set the Out to "Control Port, Chanel 1" (as described in the manual), how could cubase know I want to send TO Model-e???

In any case, on my transport bar, ther is NO Output activity when I slide any fader.

Can someone help me with this please.

Thank you very much in advance for any input.
2 Sep 2002
Hello everybody

I'm planning to purchase us-428.

Since Cubase 4.1 on an iMac 400 fills perfectly all my needs (until now) I prefer to stay on this very stable base (I have NO problem, compared to all I read in this forum). No doubt the iMac is not the ideal gear for audio, but I have it , so i'll keep using it for the moment. No doubt 5.xx has improvements on several points, but why to change a winning team?...

It's just that I'd like to get 1) a better sound quality in general, 2) some comfort from the remote controllers, 3) little improvement of cpu (ok someones say it doesn't help at all, someones say well, a little, we'll see). For points 1 & 2, there should be no bad surprise.

I read in the 428's manual that it's compatible with 8.6 (my OS) and 4.1. but they say that some functions are not available if not running a 5.xx.

1)Can somebody tell me what kind of controll wouldn't work?

2)Anyone of you had experience with 428 and 4.1 ? Or what kind of issues I could expect with that configuration?

I allready searched the forum for all the topics about 428, but no case matches my configuration. The reason of this post.

Thank you for any comment.
2 Sep 2002

Je projette sérieusement l'achat du us-428.

Vu que Cubase 4.1 sur mon iMac 400 réponde entièrement à mes besoins (jusque maintenant), je préfère rester sur cette base stable (je n'ai PAS de problèmes, comparé à mes lectures de discussions où la majorité d'utilisateurs sont passés à 5.xx) Je sais que l'iMac n'est pas la base idéale pour de l'audio, mais comme JE L'AI, je l'utilise...

Mon but est juste 1) d'augmenter la qualité audio générale, 2) bénéficier du confort du remote controller, 3) alléger quelque peu le cpu (certains disent que cela ne joue aucun rôle, d'autres disent que si, on verra à l'usage). Pour les points 1 et 2, je suis sûr d'y gagner.

J'ai vu dans le manuel du 428 (dispo en ligne) qu'il est bien compatible avec 8.6 (mon OS) et 4.1 mais ils font allusion à des fonctions qui ne seraient pas disponibles sous 4.1.

1) Quelqu'un saurait-il quelles fonctions?

2) Quelqu'un a t-il une expérience sous une telle configuration et à quel genre de disfonctionnement dois-je m'attendre?

Merci d'avance pour toute réponse.
29 May 2002

Could someone help me understand who I must believe?
My config : iMac DV 400 / 512Ram., Cubase 4.1, electric guitar in audio from Roland GS6.

The scenario :
As I use PPG vsti together with audio guitar lines + other audios (vsti's like Sample Tank piano or other vsti's) my CPU hits the overload, audio cuts off, comes back after I disable one vsit or two to unstuck the stuff.
How can I improve the CPU performance without changing of Mac?
Is an external audio (UA-5 for ex.) a solution (attention, I mean while PLAYING PPG in live processing, not as printed lines, because with many printed audio tracks I have no problem, of course)??  
I have asked already 10 different dealers in Belgium, 50% say it IS the solution, 50% say it doesn't help at all in this case cause what you send to the extern. audio is ALSO processed by yr cpu, thus as much work for it than with an internal audio : it moves the problem to another place but won't help.
The others say the dsp of UA-5 will take so much in charge that yr CPU will work seriously faster, while the processing of the PPG play occurs on the external card, they say.
Does anyone have any experience with a configuration close to mine?
Thank you for any input.
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