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Techniciens / Ingénieurs du son - Musique
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Né(e) le 24 Nov. 1936
(88 ans)
0000 Belarus
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Heure locale : ven. 14 mars 2025, 16:32
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I bougt my first mac (Ibook G4) 2 weeks ago. I really love the OS. Now I am thinking about bying a desktop computer (powermac) for proffesional purpose. I'm a musician and I'd like to make pre-productions on a computer. I have been working with cubase sx on a pc so far, but my pc is no longer powerfull to serve my purposes. If I would switch to mac, I would have to use logic (as cubase isn't really working well on mac) and buy all the software I already have on my pc. I went to the music shop who has 15 years experience in studio en audio software. He deals bought mac & pc. His answer was clear: if you buy a powermac, you pay double the price than for a pc, which will do the same job perfectly. the only difference is the OS. AND, you pay 3000 Euro, for a machine who has only 512Mb! I respect his opinion, but I keep looking for different opinions. I want to do a serious invesment and I wonder If I should buy a mac or pc. I use it for recording audio (not more than 8 tracks) and combinen it with midi
Can anyone help me out? thx
fanatics & radicals, please spare me your comment. only inteliggent computer users. fanaticism leads to aggresion. Respecting each other choices is the better way, that's my opinion.
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