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06419 Killingworth, CT
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Hey everyone, I was wondering if anyone has tried using Ardour for OSX.
For an open-source package, it looks pretty powerful! If they continue development and write the planned MIDI environment, it might be the perfect choice for someone looking for a low-cost alternative to some of the other DAW solutions out there. Anyone tried it out yet?
I'll keep this as short as possible.
I'm about to buy one of the new 15" Powerbook 1.25Ghz specifically for my music. I plan on using it for the following things:
1. Studio environment with ability to record drums, bass, guitars, samples, and vocals. 2. Live sampler for a post-rock band 3. Electronic music production (techno and trance)
So, my question is...what software should I truly get? I'm planning right now on getting Ableton Live, Logic 6 Platinum, and Reason. I also plan on getting the MOTU 828 or 828mkII.
But if I buy all three of those software packages, will I have some software that basically does all the same stuff? Is Reason designed to do the same stuff that Logic does? And if so, which do you recommend. Thanks in advance for any responses!
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