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Wild Bill

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8 Apr 2007
I'm using the Ozone with a 12" Powerbook, 1.5 gigs, PowerPC version obviously.

Trying to record guitar tracks w/ my Gibson ES-335, I get popping/clicking sounds randomly and it's driivng me insane. I thought M-Audio made products that didn't do this.

Let's see, the hard drive is a 7200RPM 100 gig. I tried switching guitar cables, but nothing. The levels are fine, there is no clipping. But the clicking that rears its ugly head is driving me nuts.

Can anyone help?

Thanks sad.gif
11 Jun 2006

Need some help please. I am working on a project started in Garageband, and then imported the project into Logic. When I try to make a NEW audio track in the arrange window to say, record an acoustic track, I double-click after Output 1-2 on the arrange window and Logic makes a new track called "Output 1-2". Problem is, when I create a new track, it's EXACTLY the same as the track before, with the same exact track number and/or MIDI channel. Smae goes with software instruments too. I then end up with a blank track and the track it copies. Hit Mute, both tracks mute out. Hit record, both tracks hit record. It's driving me insane.

How do I create a track that won't mimic the track before it? I try changing the track number, but it changes the track it copied to the new track nubmber too!!!

Thanks in advance for your replies
10 Jun 2006

Is there a way to send some of the audio processing to my PC so it can take the load off my Powerbook, or can this only be done Mac to Mac ???? I hope not, because my little 12' Powerbook is straining!!

I just got the FULL Logic Pro off Ebay (retail) and I got the MacProVideo series on Logic. Haven't gone through all the videos yet, but man did I learn alot already.

I'd REALLY like to send alot of the processing to my PC, since it's a BEAST.

Thanks in advance for your replies.
25 May 2006
Hope I didn't make a mistake. Been fiddling with Logic Express and I like it, but I want guitar amp pro and ultrabeat, and all the other features that express does not have.

Saw tons of the "Academic" versions on there for around the 415-475 range, but everything I've read said stay away from the academic versions because you can't upgrade.

Saw some guy selling his slightly used full version and I won the bid at $560.00 That's pretty good for the full version, right? Also throwing in Martin Sitter's book too, but I already have that so I guess I'll Ebay it.

Please tell me this was better than buying the academic version........ for my own sanity! tongue.gif
22 Apr 2006
Hello all. Well, I just recorded 4 analog tracks from my old four-track recorder into Garageband because I wanted to spruce up my old demo stuff and add things I couldn't have years ago.

Basically, I ran a 1/4" jack to RCA cable out the back of the four track for Tape Out's 1-4. I had to do this one track at a time because I only have one mono input on my M Audio Ozone. So I recorded the tracks each on their own seperate track in Garageband. Now, for some reason my main acoustic and bass track (one track) and my main guitar track (track 2) won't sync up. They start out playing just fine for the first 55 seconds or so, but then the guitar track LAGS behind and by the end of the song it's ALL out of whack!!! I don't know what to do!! The other two tracks have lead and backing vocals, so I know I can just chop them up and get them to sync up.

But what do I do about this???? There are no clear "breaks" in the guitar track, so I can't chop it and place it to fit. Is there something that can analyze the tempo of the bass and acoustic track (track one) and have that as the basis for the other tracks to sync up to???? I also have Logic Express, but I prefer recording in GB and then mixing and polishing in LE.

Can anyone help me PLEASE???

Thanks sad.gif
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