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Heure locale : dim. 2 févr. 2025, 17:58
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I may have found the answer on another person's thread, but nothing beats having a discussion about your own personal case...
I have been running Pro Tools Digi 001 on a G4 with OS 9.1 for quite a while now, and everything's been fine. But the the OS 9.1 has begun to become outdated ... endless Shockwave/Flash error messages ... so many things made for OSX only now.
So, I think I'm ready to upgrade to OSX. I could either have both OS 9.1 and OSX on the computer and use the 9.1 to run the Pro Tools and the OSX for everything else, or I could upgrade the Digi 001 as well. Apparently, it will work up to 10.3 (Panther).
Are there any things I need to worry about here?
What are the steps I must take? (I still live in the dark ages, and am scared of making some irreversible change to something that works well.)
Thank you for whatever information you may be able to offer.
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