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Né(e) le 23 Oct. 1975
(49 ans)
80047 Pärnu
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Heure locale : ven. 14 mars 2025, 20:30
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Hi !
I bought Edirol (Cakewalk) UM-2G USB-Midi interface to use with Logic Pro. It has 2* MIDIi IN and 2* MIDI OUT. I have a lot of MIDI hardware and I want to use some of them with Logic. When I choose Midi out 2 from Logic (it is connected to Roland XV-5080), everything is fine, but when I choose MIDI OUT 1 (that is connected to other sytnh), I get no midi signal at all ! In Metro SE Midi sequencer both MIDI OUT 1 and MIDI OUT 2 work fine, so the problem is in Logic, not Midi interface...
Any Ideas ?
I use Logic Studio 8 and Iwant to play it MIDI files with Roland XV-5080. I have done the setup in my Mac Midi device setup, I open Logic, choose channel and Roland XV-5080 as the device for the channel. Problem is - I don´t see the patch names for the Roland V-5080 I can´t choose (change) the sounds from logic, I can´t access all the banks of XV-5080 from the Logic. Any Help !?
Hi !
I need some help with Battery. I made own drumkit, everything is fine, but I dont know, how to make the highat sound correct. When I play open HH followed with closed HH, the open HH sound should stop the moment, I play closed HH sound, but I dont know how to do that. I have the open HH sound playing until the end of the smape. Anyone ?
Hi !
I use Logic studio 8 and I'm looking for best and real sounding natural drums to use with Logic. Any suggestions ? Can be both in Au or EXS format. Best if they were in GM format.
I have some exs instruments that I have bought, but I have no idea, how to get them to my Logic 8. I copyed the files to hdd/users/my user/library/application support/logic/sampler instruments, but they don't show up in Logic virtual intruments folder.
Derniers visiteurs
 mercredi 4 mai 2011 à 18:10
 vendredi 13 août 2010 à 08:25
 samedi 19 décembre 2009 à 01:09
 mercredi 16 décembre 2009 à 07:51
Il n'y a aucun ami à afficher.