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> Logic Platinum 6 Vs Pro Tools
posté ven. 24 oct. 2003, 23:27
Message #11

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well.... the thing is this...

If you want the Full Blown PT TDM system... then you must invest thousands to get PCI Farm cards (hold DSP chips) and also purchase the software and interface. ProTools doesn't like working with other third party interfaces so you must have Digidesign hardware to use ProTools. Many people hate PT because of this. You can use other apps like Logic per say with digidesign hardware though..

But... on the plus side... you can go for either a Mbox (cheapest), Digi001 (a bit more) or the Digi002 (still cheaper than a full blown TDM system) and it comes with a version of ProTools called PT LE. It has most of the same functions as the TDM system but limited to 32 tracks and minus some other little features. So you pay a bit more for a great quality interface and the PT app comes free with it. Now which of these devices best suits your needs is dependent on how many simultaneous inputs and outputs you need and whether you want PCI card interface, USB or firewire. wink.gif

Ce message a été modifié par Synthetic - ven. 24 oct. 2003, 23:27.

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G4 550mhz Tibook & Brand Spankin New Dual G5 2Ghz Power Mac with Tiger.
So long old OS9 apps :(
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posté jeu. 7 sept. 2006, 23:28
Message #12


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Personally, I am a Logic Fan all the way. THis post is very old but i stumbled on to it and thought i'd give you my 2 cents. A lot of people say that pro tools is the way to go for audio,, but i beg to differ.... There is NOTHING that you can doo in PTLE that you cant do in LOGIC. There is a ton of good free plugins for logic as well. In fact it seems some things are simpler in Logic. BTW Im at Logic express 7.1 and pro tools Le 7 ass well. I run a presonus firepod (8 mic ins)

Personally I choose to track with Logic any day. But I've been getting into Protools because its widely used and experience in it can come in handy in the industry...
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posté ven. 8 sept. 2006, 06:11
Message #13


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you say 'There is NOTHING that you can doo in PTLE that you cant do in LOGIC'
and it's right, only in PT you do it faster, without losing yourself into menus and windows;
i believe this is fundamental to let not vanish your inspirations and ideas before getting them done;
also editing audio waveforms is a breeze;
i think the only reason why one should choose to use Logic instead of PT is the Score editor,
which is missing in PT;
if one is much into written music paper, then Logic is a good way to go, otherwise PT is unbeatable.
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posté sam. 9 sept. 2006, 19:24
Message #14

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the track limitation of PTLE is a showstopper for me, I routinely use 16 Plus tracks for drums and percussion, then10-12 tracks for music, I allways double or triple track vocals. my average session is 48+ tracks.

Even logic express allows 255 audio track if you have a machine with enough power. By upgrading to the producers pack or Dv toolkit to get 48 tracks from PTLE you have spent more than the price of Logic Pro, then you need to buy plugins.


Ce message a été modifié par gdoubleyou - sam. 9 sept. 2006, 19:32.

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Mac Daddy
posté dim. 10 sept. 2006, 14:23
Message #15

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gdoubleyou... how could I have forgotten to mentioned your name when speaking of the "Serious" Members... because you sure are one of them. Always learn from your Posts.
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Hugo Cole
posté lun. 11 sept. 2006, 06:16
Message #16


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Sorry to speak out on an unrelated matter in a post, but I'm feelin' the love tonight. MacDaddy, so good to have you back. Weren't you in Amsterdam or something? I dig your vibe, man, you come on strong and I love it, it's coming from an awesome place. And gdoubleyou, man, you've been keeping this forum alive for a while now. I'm really glad guys like you are around and keeping things going - especially while lepetitmartien is wherever he is (retreated to some mountaintop to meditate?). Just wanted to say that.

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posté mar. 12 sept. 2006, 05:17
Message #17

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Just thought I'd throw my 2 cents in on the DAW subject. I bought an M-Box over a year ago (just to stay compatable with the industry, I thought) & while I still have it, I really haven't used it. I am quite happy with Ableton/Live & am looking forward to the next upgrade. It is an app that, once you get past the initial wierdness /unconventionality of its interface, is INSANELY powerful & sounds great to boot. I will probably keep the ol' M-box (& probably upgrade to an 002) but it will be more with the idea that my Ableton tracks will be bumped over to a format that I can mix down at a more "professional" studio as opposed to a genuine working platform that I would use every day to create.

Ce message a été modifié par mortalengines - mar. 12 sept. 2006, 05:19.
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Mac Daddy
posté mar. 12 sept. 2006, 06:08
Message #18

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Thanks Ken... Funny about lepetitmartien on a mountain top... lepetitmartien was our Unspoken leader... Plus he had that slick Icon with the lights beaming from it...

I spend more time with my computer than I do with people. The Forum is my 'Hood'... Pathetic! I used to be quasi-cool until I got this G5... I only go out now if absolutely necessary...

My Bathrobe has become my main piece of clothing, drug money is now used to puchase Software or Upgrades, my eyes rotate from flipping back and forth at Monitors, I feel undressed without Headphones and I will choose a Sound On Sound or Recording Magazine over a Playboy! I'm not in the physical shape I'd like to be, but I've got one of the fastest 'Double Clickers' on the Planet. Yes, I love the precious. Precious is all I need... and someone to pay the electric bill. I can't be expected to work and learn how to figure this thang out!

Any Music Collaborations happening in here?

Be cool, be clever, don't Bb. Bee-Bop saying... 50's.
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posté mar. 12 sept. 2006, 11:02
Message #19


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Inscrit : 30 nov. 04
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Yeah, keep posting guys, its always interesting reading and learning.
What sort of collaboration were you looking for MacDaddy?

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Mac Daddy
posté mer. 13 sept. 2006, 07:07
Message #20

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jimdubpram... Regarding the Collaboration Possibilties I tried to contact you via Mac Forum... Did not compute hence my E-mail Address: Isn't there a way to contact Members... Once, long ago, I think, you could? When I 'Clicked' on your name I was sent to one of those: Access Forbidden Achtung! Do Not Proceed. jimdubpram ain't here... Pages? Don't ask... I just "Click" or "Doble Click"
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