Help, removing voice on a song, Windows XP related |
Les messages de ce sujet
terry17uk Help, removing voice on a song mer. 2 avril 2003, 16:04 lepetitmartien Usually voices are centered if you do a bit of sub... mer. 2 avril 2003, 16:35 terry17uk What do you mean by addition and subtraction? Plea... mer. 2 avril 2003, 22:11 terry17uk anyone? mer. 2 avril 2003, 23:10 gdoubleyou In theory if you have two identical signals, inver... jeu. 3 avril 2003, 00:06 lepetitmartien Well go for the details!
if you add 2 identic... jeu. 3 avril 2003, 05:18 Solon Magrizos hey that was so helpful !
thank you very much ven. 17 nov. 2006, 17:57 TEW Yes, i can help you with that. Try buying Adobe Au... mer. 9 avril 2008, 17:26
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