Groupe : Members
Messages : 1
Inscrit : 14 nov. 03
Lieu : San Jose - US
Membre no 28,857
I am wondering why it seems like no one is using scsi hard drives anymore. To me it seems they are better and when I was looking into the higher end Pro tools systems they ONLY use scsi. So, just wondering if anybody knows the ins and outs of scsi compared to IDE and Firewire. Oh yeah, I'm not talking about price, just performance. Thanks.
Groupe : Members
Messages : 52
Inscrit : 03 juil. 02
Lieu : Congleton - UK
Membre no 5,388
I can only say that at one time SCSI was the thing to use for audio and video. Now, it's different, ATA/IDE etc have caught up - a good 7,200rpm ATA disk can be as good if not better than SCSI. If fact - I had a problem with Logic Platinum when I first started using the software - I couldn't record audio without it being garbled along with a 'beep' in the background - thanks to the brilliant guys at 'SoundTech' - it turned out to be my old SCSI disk - not liked by Logic at all. When I switched recording to the ATA disks - all the problems went away. Not used the SCSI since. Protools still use SCSI I think besause they have just evolved with SCSI. When I used to use ProToolsLE I recorded to the SCSI disk quite happily. Does anyone use ATA with ProTools? Just my 2p worth.