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> Protools 10 Configuration And Setup?, MacBook Pro 17" 2.2 750Gb 5500rpm 8GbRAM
Peter Hedman
posté mar. 21 févr. 2012, 17:45
Message #1


Groupe : Members
Messages : 2
Inscrit : 21 févr. 12
Lieu : NO
Membre no 119,943

Hi to ewerybody! ...or anybody? biggrin.gif

I'm new to this site, and NEW to Mac... Upgrading from Pc - Cubase and realy feel like a "newborn" when changing platform... Really appreciate anwers on following topic...


Protools 10 and Native Instruments Komplete 8 to run on Macbook pro 17" 2.2Ghz 5500rpm 750GB HD 8GbRAM with Thunderbolt LaCie Little Big Disk Thunderbolt 240GB SSD

How do i configure the mac and how/where to install the software for best performance... "plug and play" or demanding work to get this optimal?
Change internal HD to SSD also?

(MOTU 828mkII firewire 800/400 + Apogee DUO USB2 Yamaha MSP5a monitoring++)

Greetings from Norway!

Ce message a été modifié par Peter Hedman - mar. 21 févr. 2012, 17:50.
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posté jeu. 23 févr. 2012, 14:04
Message #2


Groupe : Members
Messages : 3
Inscrit : 24 avril 11
Lieu : Akron - US
Membre no 117,560


I made the leap nearly 15 years ago and very happy i did. The complete intuitiveness of MACs way outshines any PC or PC-clone running a windows based platform. Latency is the biggest issue for MACs however and when recording live bands or vocals, it is a problem. I primarily work in MIDI and in pre-recorded dialog for score and sound design, so it wasn't as big an issue for me in my studio.

Now, you say "mobile studio" in your post. So i assume that to mean you will be recording live players, etc. This is fine as what i would call a "live to tape" session where the 2-mix from a console is what you are recording. But if you plan on doing overdubs of vocals and other parts, you may have a problem with this rig. But you can take any Protools session to a studio facility and load it up on a PC based system and you're in. Either that or go to a studio where they have at least an 8-core Intel MAC with 16-32GB of RAM. Then latency isn't much of an issue. I recently upgraded from a G5 to an Intel 8-coe with 32 GB RAM and it screams fast in comparison. I can record in lower buffer settings now (126-512) and latency is pretty much gone. But with the MAC Book Pro, not sure there.

I also have been using the MOTU 828 MK II for over 6 years now and it treats me great. But you say you want to load ProTools and use the 828 as your A/D-D/A to the MAC? right? Unfortunately this won't work. ProTools must run on proprietary hardware. The HD version will work, but others like M-Powered or the Digi I/O Must be installed and run on ProTools hardware.I run ProTools MP 9.x here along side MOTU Digital Performer, which is my DAW of choice over Protools. The only reason I installed Protools was to be able to import PT sessions and then immediately convert them to DP for workflow.

You might want to shop around a little before committing to ProTools and the hardware. I have also recently loaded a DAW called REAPER.

Reaper DAW home page

This is a great package and very much like Protools in its architecture. But for $60 and will run on the MAC (32-bit for now) and thru the 828 easily.

Good luck on you pursuit of MACs and recording. It is an elegant machine for sure.


Ce message a été modifié par Audios - jeu. 23 févr. 2012, 14:06.
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