Seagate 7200.11 Es.2, Maxtor Diamond 22, Firmware issue to update |
ven. 16 janv. 2009, 05:49

Moderator In Chief (MIC)

Groupe : Editors
Messages : 15,189
Inscrit : 23 déc. 01
Lieu : Paris - FR
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People with 7200.11 hard drives from Seagate should be aware there's a current issue. The disks get locked into protection mode and then are "dead". There should be a firmware update to care of this issue before it appears. The faulty firmware is SD15. Until a fix is released, avoid powering up and down the drive, back up elsewhere. This thread centralize all the data about the working/non working drives. The related forum at SeagateA press realease from seagate is expected today. Gosh, I've got at least two three of them…
Ce message a été modifié par lepetitmartien - jeu. 12 févr. 2009, 03:50.
Raison de l'édition : title
jeu. 22 janv. 2009, 16:17

Moderator In Chief (MIC)

Groupe : Editors
Messages : 15,189
Inscrit : 23 déc. 01
Lieu : Paris - FR
Membre no 2,758

Right now, this is how it is:
- there's no working patches still, seagate trials were as bad if not worse than the original firmwares. - remember, the drives are "ok", the data is still here, it's only a software issue so it'll be fixed. - all 7200.11 and equivalents build until december 08 included are concerned - there's a way to unbrick the bricked ones rather geeky but for this, I advise to follow the threads on (the forum seems down, it'll come back)
Until there's a WORKING firmware… Don't power down the drive if you can and back up!
Les messages de ce sujet
lepetitmartien Seagate 7200.11 Es.2, Maxtor Diamond 22 ven. 16 janv. 2009, 05:49 lepetitmartien Seagate current official anouncement ven. 16 janv. 2009, 23:03 lepetitmartien And there seems to be a few firmware updates up an... ven. 23 janv. 2009, 02:46 lepetitmartien How to proceed on Mac here for mac pro and intel i... jeu. 12 févr. 2009, 03:52 azusa I have an affected drive (ST31000340NS), but so fa... mar. 17 févr. 2009, 01:55 lepetitmartien Have you verified on Seagate website it is in the ... mar. 17 févr. 2009, 02:27 azusa Yes, mine is in that batch. But everything is fine... jeu. 19 févr. 2009, 03:18 lepetitmartien The trouble is once it is bricked, either you have... ven. 20 févr. 2009, 00:30 lepetitmartien I've managed at last to have a go at moving st... mer. 25 févr. 2009, 02:24 lepetitmartien At last… I've visited a member with a welcomin... ven. 22 mai 2009, 03:22 lepetitmartien I've managed to waste enough time in the seaga... jeu. 4 juin 2009, 08:12 lepetitmartien Seagate support was quick, I've received 2 ans... jeu. 4 juin 2009, 22:43 lepetitmartien Update to SD3B done thanks to member Berhu N°2 aga... jeu. 18 juin 2009, 14:45 Azzit "lepetitmartien" Please Help with getti... mer. 5 août 2009, 14:04
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