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![]() Rookie ![]() Groupe : Members Messages : 31 Inscrit : 07 oct. 05 Membre no 70,977 ![]() |
I'm considering Logic Express and have played around with the 30 day demo. I've imported the Garageband demo songs so I can get to know it, and also MIDI files, but without a manual and no prior experience with DAW software I'm stuck and need some help:
1) It seems that you can only use 5 effects per track -is this true? Someone told me that equalizing/tone controls also counts as effects, so 5 seems very limiting to me. 2) I currently don't have any MIDI interface with my Mac, but thought I'd be able to try out the MIDI capabilities of Logic by having it play Quicktime instruments and/or some sort of soft-synth like Garageband has, but I'm not getting any audio output at all. I assume I have to assign instruments/channels somewhere. Where/how do I do this? (I'm on a 1.67GHz PowerBook G4 with MacOS 10.4.9) Ce message a été modifié par keybie - lun. 9 avril 2007, 18:20. |
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![]() Junior Member ![]() ![]() ![]() Groupe : Members Messages : 122 Inscrit : 16 juil. 06 Lieu : London - UK Membre no 81,499 ![]() |
I usually work with Logic Pro so I wasn't sure what instruments were included. You'll get a lot more if you can afford to buy the full version. Glad I was able to get you going though. Some of the sub-groups in the instrument section should be fairly self-explanatory, mono, stereo and multi-channel (Logic can do up to 7.1 if you have a sound card with 8 outputs). The two "AU" sections refer to instruments that are not Logic specific, "A(udio)U(nits)" are Apple's equivalent of VST - sort of. It looks as if you can have up to 32 Audio Instruments so have a play and try out the Garageband instruments too. There are quite a lot of freeware AU instruments and effects out there, I'm sure there are links to these all over this forum.
As far as a rack unit for audio / midi, that's a real can of worms. There's a saying that opinions are like a*******s - everybody's got one, and everybody's got an opinion on this. Where I work we use Digidesign 002s which have 8 audio in and out, 1 midi in and 2 midi outs, but thats because we use ProTools LE which requires a Digi interface. M-Audio make a wide range of not too expensive audio/midi interfaces, some with control surface capability. And then there's MOTU, RME, Presonus, Mackie, Focusrite, Lexicon etc, etc, etc. If money isn't an issue I'd advise having a look at the Apogee Ensemble for audio and one of the MOTU midi interfaces (the AV Timepiece is really good). Hopefully you've got a good music store nearby where you can try some of these out. And of course you should take a look at other threads in this forum to see what other people like using. -------------------- www.myspace.com/commercialmusicstudios
![]() Rookie ![]() Groupe : Members Messages : 31 Inscrit : 07 oct. 05 Membre no 70,977 ![]() |
Nice to hear from you again, and thanks to you I've been playing around with the demo (a week left till it expires). Yes, I do plan to get the full version (or the full version of some sort of DAW software).
I really have no prior experience with this kind of software and don't want to get the "wrong" piece of software if something else is better. I know there's Steinberg Cubase, Digidesign ProTools, MOTU Digital performer, Mackie Tracktion etc. Any thoughts on this? As for the mono/stereo/multi-channel thing... I feel a bit stupid asking, but it's not self-explanatory to me. Does it have to do with polyphony where "mono" means a monophonic soft-synth (the equivalent of a MiniMoog etc.)? If that were the case then "stereo" and "multi-channel" doesn't make sense (unless Apple has their own way of naming things. I would call it "polyphonic" and "multi-timbral", but perhaps it's all something entirely different. I'll look around in the forum for links to AU soft-synths. So far I only have one installed which is the "Crystal" synth. I can't quite figure it out though and find it frustrating that the sequencer always changes the patch I've chosen. I tried it in Garageband and the same thing happens with the Logic Express demo. I haven't found any way to disable program change, and without a MIDI interface I can't audit it with my MIDI keyboards either. Regarding Garageband instruments. I only get a short list of available patches (sounds), but for all I know this might be a limitation in the demo (I hope so). Audio/MIDI interfaces... yes, I've found a bunch myself by searching the web in different price-ranges. I could also buy a second hand one of course, if people sell these things that is. I believe I've heard something about ProTools using their own specific interfaces while other software applications aren't so picky. What's Logic Express like when it comes to interfaces? Does it work with just about anything? Since I have Firewire 400/800 on my Powerbook I'll probably go for one with that interface. USB is too slow I've heard. I have no idea how many inputs/outputs I need, but having a 24 channel sub-mixer and a bunch of hardware MIDI synths/samplers and effects I probably need more than 2. I would for example like to record the audio from an external drum machine on separate tracks so I can pan them all differently, have different effects and so on. I don't know how the pros do this, but I assume they have audio interfaces with many channels where they route the outputs of their drum machines etc. into and record it all in one go, like in the old days with a 24 track tape recorder. Correct me if I'm wrong or you have some better suggestions. I prefer asking around in forums such as these instead of going to stores. At least to begin with. Most places don't care about helping out their customers in my experience. They just want to make an extra buck out of your ignorance. I'd like to be a little better prepared before going to the store instead of being (more or less) clueless as I feel I am at the moment. |
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