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> Mac Closedown Problem, Stuffit is preventing my mac from closing
posté sam. 7 avril 2007, 13:22
Message #1


Groupe : Members
Messages : 2
Inscrit : 07 avril 07
Lieu : Herne Bay - UK
Membre no 90,096

I am new to Macs and am very very impressed with my Macbook.

However, I have encountered a problem. A program called stuffit failed to run properly so I took the cancel option.

It has now hung and wont close down- continually promising that it is doing so.

When I try to reboot the Mac is says that stuffit expander has cancelled a restart.

Is there an equivalent in the windows alt-control-delete which will force stuffit to close?
I have tried shift-command-Q and shift-Option-command-Q but neither will work.

Any help would be appreciated.

sad.gif angry.gif

Ce message a été modifié par paulnic - sam. 7 avril 2007, 13:23.
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posté sam. 7 avril 2007, 14:32
Message #2

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Inscrit : 23 déc. 01
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The power button trick gives back a not so clean shutdown, it should be used only if you can't do a thing at all (app and finder and system are not responding, that is). It's way better to use command-option-escape as you force quit only the "bad" app and can save you stuff and eventually restart later (not mandatory, depends of the crash and of what you are doing).

another way to force quit is by click and hold on the icon of the app on the dock, you'll see a local pop up menu then and you can force quit from there as the option appears when the app "is not responding". wink.gif

The command-option-escape as the advantage you can force quit multiple apps as you have a window listing all open apps on display.

If you have an issue with Stuffit, there's 2 possibilities, le most likely is you're running a buggy version, upgrade! Note that the free apps of the Stuffit family are more than enough most of the time. The other possibility is the archive itself has a problem or is not a legit stuffit archive/stuffit supported, if it's in a compression format like zip, tar, rar, try the available freewares/sharewares, they may be able to do something about it if it's only an option not supported in Stuffit which causes it to get locked.

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