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> Fed Up With Firewire 410, What's a reliable alternative for a Powerbook?
posté mer. 21 mars 2007, 19:12
Message #1


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Inscrit : 27 août 05
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The 410 has never really worked. Every driver has some kind of issue. Hanging MIDI notes; Loss of audio monitoring, being just the most recent things. It's well spec'd, but doesn't deliver. They've had long enough to get it right..

I need something with solid dependability, low latency and the usual. I'll move away from Cubase and Garageband and get a new DAW.


MBox 2 Pro? At least it'd come with a good DAW..
MOTU UltraLite? and maybe get Logic Express or something?..
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posté jeu. 22 mars 2007, 12:09
Message #2


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Inscrit : 27 août 05
Lieu : LI - UK
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Yeah, I think that Logic would make more sense then, specially as I'll trigger a lot. I've also read it's less processor hungry.
(I suppose I could get an MBox2 Pro, and buy Logic to run with it as an alternative to the included LE, but that's obviously at more expense.)

As for the Interface suggestions, RME, Presonus, MOTU...
It seems the MOTU UltraLite has the option of many simultaneous audio inputs like big PT, which as a drummer that is attractive (the 410 only allows 2 analogue at any one time). I saw a Tascam one that included a control surface which would be great, but I'm reluctant to try stuff I've not heard a lot about.

As a newbie can I ask, can you map those individual inputs to different channels in the DAW, or do they get bussed to a stereo track?

If the MOTU is a stable option with good drivers, I think it's MOTU UltraLite & Logic.

I've sometimes gone months without being able to record, because of the 410..
Thanks once again lepetitmartien.
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posté jeu. 22 mars 2007, 16:36
Message #3

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QUOTE (stimpy @ jeu 22 mar 2007, 12:09) *
Yeah, I think that Logic would make more sense then, specially as I'll trigger a lot. I've also read it's less processor hungry.
(I suppose I could get an MBox2 Pro, and buy Logic to run with it as an alternative to the included LE, but that's obviously at more expense.)
I can't tell on the CPU side (the known hogs are Cubase and DP) but for now, Logic doesn't seem fully optimised on Intel somehow (there's contradictory reports on stability).
Anyway, you'd better try Logic express first, as Logic is a realm in itself not easy to grasp at first. PT is way more easy to learn, note that the "simple" MIDI in PT is enough for a lot of people so it may not make sense to go further.
As for the Interface suggestions, RME, Presonus, MOTU...
It seems the MOTU UltraLite has the option of many simultaneous audio inputs like big PT, which as a drummer that is attractive (the 410 only allows 2 analogue at any one time). I saw a Tascam one that included a control surface which would be great, but I'm reluctant to try stuff I've not heard a lot about.
I've only heard issues on the smallest tascam (install problems, which get solved), when we don't hear about an interface ether it's not sold a lot, or it's a breeze to operate. to give an extra input on the above companies products:
- MOTU, good and very good converters, best MIDI interfaces around (the only pro competitor btw), usually trouble free operation save some I talk about below. Drivers on Mac are rock solid.
- Presonus, very good converters, very nice (transparent) preamps, the driver issues get solved in less than a month (and no problems for some tie in this regard)
- RME, Very good converters, solid drivers, but it's sometimes confusing to understand their range (save the firewire interface now)
- If you need something better it's Apogee and the like
As a newbie can I ask, can you map those individual inputs to different channels in the DAW, or do they get bussed to a stereo track?
Usually on MOTU, RME, Presonus you can do what you want, the complains on this issues I've heard were mostly on M-audio hardware, on small interfaces with a peculiar use in mind (like recording instrument while singing).
If the MOTU is a stable option with good drivers, I think it's MOTU UltraLite & Logic.

As long as you avoid the 828 family (erratic hardware issues on mk1 and mk2) the rest is a breeze AFAIK.
I've sometimes gone months without being able to record, because of the 410..
I can't use my 2408 mk2 for know because I can't upgrade the PCI card you know (can't find back my serial number) so I can understand… one day I'll get fed up and move on to something else among one of the 3 contenders.
Thanks once again lepetitmartien.

lpm for short wink.gif my pleasure smile.gif

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