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> Logic's Dreaded "disc Too Slow" Error Message!
posté dim. 17 déc. 2006, 15:25
Message #1


Groupe : Members
Messages : 19
Inscrit : 11 janv. 05
Lieu : Brighton - UK
Membre no 58,251

I am running a 1.25 Ghz G4 power book with 1.25 gig of ram. I am running Logic 6.4.1 and I constantly get the "disc too slow" error message if I use more than 5 tracks of audio and an audio instrument. I have tried buying more ram, freeing up space on my hard drive, freezing files, changing buffer size.. everythng! From what I can gather from other fourums it's a pretty common problem and it does not seem to be a hardware problem it seems to be a data transfer problem with Logic. My question is what can I do about it ????
Is it possible to upgrade my Logic 6.4.1 to a more later version of 6 (i dont want to buy logic 7) and will this even help matters?
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posté ven. 22 déc. 2006, 03:43
Message #2

Moderator In Chief (MIC)
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Groupe : Editors
Messages : 15,189
Inscrit : 23 déc. 01
Lieu : Paris - FR
Membre no 2,758

Well, on the block size issue, it's no more a real problem, but if you make 2 equal partitions, you can move files from on to the other for instant optimisation


- you have partition A and Partition B
- you use mainly partition A
- you"back up" (it's not a real one, you have still one physical drive only so its failure if there's one is for both partions…) song S (that is all the files) to partition B
- you have song S clean and proper on B
- you can reformat Partition A so it's clean and proper and empty (don't mix up! you see the potential problem) and use it for something new
- you can work on S still from partition B with better access times.

To part the drive in two will help the work of the system and the drive a little too (no more on huge location table, but 2 smaller ones and less distance between the allocation table and the files.

Given the potential mix up (there's a format in between, if you don't back up properly of format the wrong partition or the drive… no paranoia but keep this in mind somewhere), I can't tell you do this but it's one possible use. You can just use partition to séparate projects to simplify things for you, it's all up to you. It way more safe to do this by using 2 different drive with one as a back up, only powered when needed. wink.gif

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