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dim. 1 avril 2007, 04:18

Groupe : Members
Messages : 5
Inscrit : 23 mars 06
Lieu : Venice - US
Membre no 78,568

Yeah, kind of what I was thinking. I have DP4.5 and could get an imac now and upgrade to dp5.0 and see if I get used to it, or wait till the new macs come out. When you refer to the next generation do you mean the new macs, or the new logic, or both? I think the biggest reason I'm thinking of waiting for the new imacs is I want to use a lot of virtual instruments, and the imacs have a limit of 3 gigs of ram. But i'd like to stick with imacs, because, for this generation anyway, they seem to give the most band for the buck....I haven't been composing or recroding the last few years, but am eager to get back into it. I just want the setup to be as optimal as I can get it when I start back up.
Ce message a été modifié par lepetitmartien - dim. 1 avril 2007, 16:39.
mar. 20 mai 2008, 23:50
Groupe : Members
Messages : 2
Inscrit : 20 mai 08
Lieu : Chatsworth - US
Membre no 101,178

I know this thread is a little old and some several newer iterations of imacs have been released, but I'm curious about the performance differences between say a 2.4 ghz and a 2.8 ghz. Is it worth the several hundred dollars extra?
mer. 21 mai 2008, 07:20

Groupe : Members
Messages : 28
Inscrit : 09 oct. 07
Lieu : Bogangar - AU
Membre no 95,714

Get the mac with the quickest processor , most ram and biggest HD. The computer is the least of your main considerations. If you are intending on Audio Recording you need to get an Audio Interface that keeps up with their drivers upon new releases of OS. Everyone is awaiting OS 10.3 so, you need software and an interface that is fully compatable. Then you need an external HD to save your audio projects to that has a spin speed of 7200. Glyph is the go. In answer to your question , the processor is an integral component of your DAW. Do yourself a favour , and fully reseach the software and interface forward compatability with Mac. Universal Binary code is not one of the favoured flavours of software and hardware developers. A fool proof system would be Logic Studio 8 and an Apogee Duet and a number crunching mac. If you are using midi be very mindfull of ongoing bugs with Cubase 4.1.3 , and firewire devices with the current Mac OS. Be patient and wait for full compatability with 10.5.3. Logic is now owned and developed by Mac , so they have a vested interest in full compatability. Good Luck Tweed Music
mer. 21 mai 2008, 20:47
Groupe : Members
Messages : 2
Inscrit : 20 mai 08
Lieu : Chatsworth - US
Membre no 101,178

Thanks tweed for your detailed response and macdaddy for your succient one.
I'm certainly looking to get some basic gear with the imac, including an external drive (I'll be looking into Glyphs) and a midi controller. I already have Reason 4 and have decided to check out Logic after hearing less than stellar comments about Cubase running on mac.
It'll still be a while before I make the purchase and I plan on doing a good deal more research beforehand. I definitely want the best system I can afford, but I don't want to pay a big chunk of money more for power I don't need or won't show a significant improvement in performance.
I'm sure I'll be asking more questions before I make the move to mac. Thanks again.
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