The Soft Tracker, Helping hands needed |
lun. 13 oct. 2003, 21:00

Moderator In Chief (MIC)

Groupe : Editors
Messages : 15,189
Inscrit : 23 déc. 01
Lieu : Paris - FR
Membre no 2,758

An important section of MM is running from the beginning on the shoulders of only one person, it's a nightmare like that. We really need a team working together to create new entries and update pages when need arise (each new version). We have already 2 people in the French side who are on the job we need 2-3 more. You don't need to know french as all the data on the net is in English and the FR team will take care of translations. The job once a 4-5 people team is in place will be light. This section has always been a burden for the different people assuming the job all alone, if we want to continue this tracker we need a team on it! So, candidates?
(1 - 6)
dim. 9 nov. 2003, 07:21

Groupe : Members
Messages : 3
Inscrit : 09 nov. 03
Lieu : Petaling Jaya - MY
Membre no 28,508

Sound interesting. But what is this tracker for? If i can help.. count me in
sam. 1 mai 2004, 09:11

Soft Editor & Moderator

Groupe : Editors
Messages : 717
Inscrit : 22 août 02
Lieu : Paris - FR
Membre no 7,045

Hello zelenO. Thank you for your proposition. You should see everything in english. Click on the english flag on top right of the screen. Or clean your cache maybe... ? We need help indeed in the soft section. There are three kind of jobs : 1/ enter new softs and updates (= check daily the trackers and the editors sites on the web) 2/ Add old softs that are missing 3/ check the existing database : wrong links, missing picture, not-to-date version... I am very busy with 1/. So I do 2/ when I have more time. And I can not do 3/ because the database is now too big (I would need more help) So if you want to help, you're welcomed. have a look at the soft section here : to add or edit a card just go here : tell me what you would prefer to do.
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