Help! My Movie Music Is Screwed Up!!!!, disaster....fear and loathing... |
mar. 8 oct. 2002, 08:08

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The music was recorded at 48. When I say the sound screw up, I mean that it sort of just goes off tune and back. Its hard to explain. Everything just starts to screw up in the piano's voice, like a cat is sitting on it. The sound makes a loud "pop" sound once in a while also.
no, I have not tried to load this file into any other audio appls. because I don't have any. Do you know of any free ones?
This is so strange. Something must of messed up while burning. could it be because I have a " motion " menu?? There is a little bit of sound at the menu, and the little movie icon is at the very end of the movie, so it is black, and no images show up before you click to play it ( in idvd2 )
Could Logic fix this? I am going to get it in a few weeks, but I really don't want to wait that long.
thanks for the advice, Levon.
- Jeffro
"history repeats itself, so the best thing to do is rewrite the future" - Jeffrey Roland
mar. 8 oct. 2002, 15:41

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QUOTE (tokyoroland @ Oct 8 2002, 07:08) The music was recorded at 48. Go here: and install SoundApp and use its conversion settings to convert your normalized file to 44.1/16 bit. (SoundApp isn't OS X-ified yet but runs fine in Classic.) Then play it all the way through in SoundApp, Quicktime, and iMovie. Then take another run at it and see what happens.
mer. 9 oct. 2002, 09:33

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I think I may have just found out the problem. I went into Spark and I realized that my music is 41, not 48. But in imovie, it says that it is 48. So, in Spark, I am resampling it from 41 to 48.
Is this a good move? I won't do it until I get some advice.
Levon- I guess Spark can do what soundapp can do also.... Or can it?
I can resample it at any number on the list.....should I convert it to 48? In imovie, on export, it says that it uncompressed and in 48, but m Spark, it says that its in 41
"history repeats itself, so the best thing to do is rewrite the future" - Jeffrey Roland
mer. 9 oct. 2002, 16:00

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Hi, tokyoroland. I'm somewhat at a disadvantage here because I'm not sure what formats you've had that audio in, or in which app.  My suggestion about converting to 44.1 was somewhat a shot in the dark; other rates can sometimes cause problems between apps. Since you say one app is calling it 44 and another is calling it 48, that tells me that there is *something* going on with the file that ain't right. Based on that alone, I'd say that's a good trail to keep sniffing down. So here we go... I recommended SoundApp only because it has always been *very* reliable in its conversions for me (I usually use it for batch conversions), and I haven't used Spark for conversion/resampling enough to have a useful opinion. But, sure, use Spark for downsampling. It's a professional audio program by professional audio people, and it should be fine. You say you only have an exported QT file for the audio? I'm not sure what you mean by that, but just to get back to basics, here's the only thing I can recommend: that you back up to your *original* audio file--the one you started with, from whoever transferred/recorded it, in whatever format it's in. Load it into Spark, normalize it, and save it, all by itself, as a 44.1 AIFF file (renaming it to whatever degree necessary--maybe just an .aif extension?--not to overwrite your original file). *All* the apps that are going to be involved should then recogize that as a 44.1 AIFF file. And at that point, you should be on safe, solid, cross-app, media-compliant firm ground. Only then (if I were you--and I realize I'm not  ) would I pull the new, clean, normalized, 44.1 AIFF audio file into iMovie (*first* clearing out the iffy audio you had in there!), and commence editing. Theoretically, that ought to work with everything across the boards. If that doesn't work, you're out of my league at that point. Good luck with it! I know how frustrating it can be.
sam. 12 oct. 2002, 07:25

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Levon, or anyone else:
Perhaps this info may help. The original file was indeed recorded at 41 and as an AIFF file. Should it be saved as an SD 11 or WAV file? Will this help? Also, it was saved at 16 bit. Would it be better to change it to 8, 24, or 32(floats) bit???
I wonder if any of these factors could have affected the sound to mess up when I put it in imovie, and maybe a dvd cannot recognize Aiff, or what bit??
Remember that in imovie it recognizes my 41 Hz as 48 Hz.
I will be awaiting anyone's reply
- jeffro
p.s. would it help to convert my music to mp3 in itunes? ( the whole cd, then edit )? I am doing it now just as an option...
"history repeats itself, so the best thing to do is rewrite the future" - Jeffrey Roland
sam. 12 oct. 2002, 17:21

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QUOTE (tokyoroland @ Oct 12 2002, 06:25) Remember that in imovie it recognizes my 41 Hz as 48 Hz. Is that *after* you normalized it? If so, did you save the normalized file as 48 Hz? If not, there is something wrong with the file. Period. Twice now I've given you exact step-by-step things to do to start narrowing down the problem, and so far I can't see that you've actually done even one of them. Instead, each time you post there is some new wrinkle, and some other piece of vital information omitted that requires more questions. When you've done every single step I've already laid out in detail, get back to me, or maybe somebody else here can help you. QUOTE (tokyoroland @ Oct 12 2002, 06:25) p.s. would it help to convert my music to mp3 in itunes? That can only degrade the audio. QUOTE (tokyoroland @ Oct 12 2002, 06:25) ( the whole cd, then edit )? CD? Now there's a "whole cd" of "music". I no longer have any idea at all what you're talking about. Good luck.
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