Protools Hd 7 Weak! |
ven. 21 avril 2006, 16:58
Groupe : Members
Messages : 11
Inscrit : 10 nov. 05
Lieu : Lomianki - PL
Membre no 72,371
Heya fellow artists, I've just upgraded from MIX 24 to HD1. I was supposed to have 4 times the DSP power, but today while mixing I used 7 plugins and it said NO to the 8th one.... I was using the 32 voices (1dsp) setting. When I switched to 16 voices it still didn't allow for additional plugins ( it always helped when I had MIX 24. The fewer voices the more availavle plugin power...
I guess because I'm not familiar with Protools 7HD I'm missing something...
I looked up the manual but it didn't explain how to manage DSP power...
PLEASE!!!! HELP!!!!!
sam. 22 avril 2006, 13:01
Groupe : Admin
Messages : 3,204
Inscrit : 29 oct. 00
Lieu : Sommieres - FR
Membre no 11
If you use old plug-ins, this is normal:I would suggest you to check if all your plug-in are up to date. Recent plug-ins are now able to optimize their DSP usage, instead of taking one DSP per different plug-in, like in the past. This helps a lot to get the most power from your PT cards. BTW i dont know if the HD1 is really supposed to have 4 times the power of a MIX 24, but in real life, i would not rely on more than twice the power... HTH
dim. 23 avril 2006, 16:07
Groupe : Members
Messages : 11
Inscrit : 10 nov. 05
Lieu : Lomianki - PL
Membre no 72,371
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