YouTube has released high quality MP4 video for users to have the option of watching some videos in 1080p HD. The ability to watching higher quality videos means improved sharpness and visual clarity for some YouTube videos. It's very noticeable in videos that contain text or fast movement and also in full-screen mode. And it will be really satisfying if those YouTube HD videos can be downloaded. Here I'll show you how to download YouTube HD Video with iFunia Free YouTube Downloader for Mac.
iFunia Free YouTube Downloader for Mac is a totally FREE YouTube downloader for Mac OS X Leopard and Snow Leopard which enables you to batch download YouTube(including HD YouTube video) and many other flash videos to your Mac computer.
But if you want to put the HD YouTube Video to iPad, iPod touch, iPhone or other portable device, you must use
iFunia YouTube Converter which can not only download YouTube HD video, but also convert them to all popular formats like avi, wmv, mp4 etc.
Step1. Run iFunia Free YouTube video downloader for MacNow download
iFunia Free YouTube video downloader and run it. Click the button "Add URL" to add the URL of YouTube HD video; you may add as many YouTube HD video URLs as you want for saving onto your Mac. And then specify a directory on your Mac to save the output FLV files.
Step 2: Start downloading YouTube HD videos on MacThe YouTube HD videos will start downloading automatically after you add the YouTube HD video URLs. Make sure your Internet is connected to YouTube website and the URLs of YouTube videos are correct. You're able to download multiple YouTube videos all at once.
Step 3: Convert YouTube HD videos to other video formatThis free version doesn't support this feature. You must upgrade to
iFunia YouTube Converter to convert all HD YouTube videos to other video format, like YouTube to AVI, YouTube to MOV, YouTube to MP4, YouTube to MKV, YouTube to MP3 and more.
Related tutorials and article to iFunia YouTube Converter:How to Download and Converter YouTube 4K VideosHow to convert YouTube videos to iMovieHow to Put YouTube Videos on PSPHow to embed YouTube video to Keynote on MacHow to use the best YouTube Video Converter for MacThe Best YouTube Video Format for Uploading