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440 Forums _ Cubase & Nuendo _ Macbook ...

Écrit par : eldio jeu. 12 oct. 2006, 13:36

hello, i'm just wondering if cubase and an external sound cart like the firepod work great .

as someone try cubase SX3 on the new macbook core duo ? is it working fine ?

i just want to buy a small computer and the macbook is just fine for that, but i want to be sure that everything works fine on tiger macbook with cubase .

tks for sharing your experiences . :-)

ps: i don't have enough money to buy a macbook pro, and i don't like macbook pro design ...


Écrit par : gdoubleyou jeu. 12 oct. 2006, 21:22

SX3 is not compatible with the new Macintels, you will have to upgrade to the new Cubase4 for the universal binary.

Also you may want to give them a few months to sort out the performance problems, that are detailed at


Écrit par : eldio ven. 13 oct. 2006, 09:27

tks for the answer !

so i have to buy the cubase 4 ? angry.gif

i allready have the sx3, shit !

anyways, i can sell my cubase SX3 and buy the cubase4; i'm allready waiting for the macbook update smile.gif

wait wait wait ...

Écrit par : benny_ill sam. 14 oct. 2006, 12:44

QUOTE (eldio @ Fri 13 Oct 2006, 09:27) *
tks for the answer !

so i have to buy the cubase 4 ? angry.gif

i allready have the sx3, shit !

anyways, i can sell my cubase SX3 and buy the cubase4; i'm allready waiting for the macbook update smile.gif

wait wait wait ...

dont sell SX3! just buy the upgrade; it updates your existing cubase dongle. if you can, try to get the grace period upgrade for cheap online. i got mine from ebay. works a treat. just need to get a new computer to run it without it creaking under the weight of 2 vsts blink.gif

Écrit par : gdoubleyou mer. 18 oct. 2006, 00:12

Also check out, it's the only offical place for info from Steinberg.

Currently there is a lot of noise there, now that people can see the difference in running SX in XP and OSX on the same machine.

I'ts getting ugly over there.


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