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440 Forums _ Digital Performer, AudioDesk _ Beta Testers Wanted

Écrit par : Dr. Nyquist ven. 18 août 2006, 08:29


I'm looking for beta testers to test on a new hybrid instrument. Nexsyn combines sample based keymap playback with subtractive synthesizer techniques. If you're interested in banging on this new synth, please send an email to


Écrit par : PianoPercMan ven. 18 août 2006, 14:31

Dr. NyQuist,

I am available to beta test this instrument. I have beta tested before but not for MOTU.

Let me know, thanks.



Écrit par : strat54 sam. 19 août 2006, 09:33

Ye, im up for some beta testing, i can find fault with anythin given the chance.

Écrit par : Drummer519 sam. 19 août 2006, 14:15

Will this run on my Mac OS X Intel driven MacBook Pro? If so, I would be willing to Beta Test for it.

Let me know if you have any questions or just contact me about starting-

Ben O'Brien Smith

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