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440 Forums _ GarageBand, Soundtrack _ Garageband

Écrit par : Barb mer. 29 sept. 2004, 14:24

I am using GarageBand for my introductory classes on the high school level. Logic Pro for my advanced classes. All this is new since we upgraded to 10.3.5 and 512 mgs of RAM. GarageBand often can't hold more than 6 tracks of MIDI for more than 30 or so measures before it cuts out. Also, it freezes when quiting.

I read someone make a comment about "repairing permissions". Does anyone know anything about this?


Écrit par : lepetitmartien mer. 29 sept. 2004, 15:59

OS X being a multiuser OS at the core you have to manage (even if you don't want to) permissions (maybe it's authorizations in English, I may get mixed up). These are the privileges a user, a group or anyone (public) can have on a file (read, write, read and write).

Unfortunately, permissions get corrupted when you install something if things are not done the right way by the install app. It's stupid, but it's the case. And then you have to restore permissions. It's good practice to do so after you install/update anything.

Apple Disk Utility, Onyx, Xupport… all do it.

You should also run the BSD (unix underlying OSX) maintenance scripts if you dont let your computer running at night regularly (when they run automatically each night/week/month). Onyx, Xupport, Macjanitor let you do so.


Écrit par : nreyes mer. 29 sept. 2004, 16:21

I must admit that I am also having some problems with Garageband (and other applications). I recently installed some extra RAM hoping this would solve some of the issues, but whilst it has had an effect on other programs, there does not seem to be any benefit within garageband (quite the opposite, in fact!).

A while back I installed OSX 10.3.5 and find it quite stable, so I am not sure that this is a factor either.

Since I often repair permissions, and run the maintenance scripts, I am a little bit at a loss to understand what is going on.

Interestingly, my Pro Tools LE is also slower these days.

Other than a more serious issue going on under the bonnet, I imagine that there must be some problem with the Core Audio drivers???

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