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440 Forums _ GarageBand, Soundtrack _ Garageband Launch (quits)

Écrit par : nreyes jeu. 12 août 2004, 10:30

After installing the recent OSX 10.3.5 update (though I cannot say it is causing my problem described hereafter...), I cannot launch Garageband - it 'unexpectedly quits' on startup. I have looked through the crash log and it has the usual 'kern_invalid_access' message followed by all the other things it crashed.

In the past, I have repaired permissions, trashed preferences etc., and this has solved the problem (most of the time) - but not on this occasion.

I have a 002, and therefore Garageband tries to access the digi Core Audio driver on launch. However, I have disabled this, and try to get Garageband to use the normal apple coreaudio driver, but still won't launch Garageband.

Today, I have re-installed Garageband, and then the 1.1 update, but still no luck.

Has anyone found a way to fix this?

Écrit par : nreyes jeu. 12 août 2004, 10:33

I know it is strange that I am replying to my own post, but it may help others.

After trying everything above I was still getting nowhere, so I tried moving all my audiounits out of the folder (suspecting the crash was been caused by these).

It worked.

I now have to move all the audio units back one by one, and relaunch each time to see which program is causing the problem, but at least I have recovered GB.


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