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440 Forums _ Getting Started _ Powerbook G4 + Mpc 2000 + Tech1200's + ??

Écrit par : krsboz mer. 26 nov. 2003, 09:25

Hay hay hay!

I have yet another 'getting started' question that I hope someone can help me out with....

I've been using an MPC2000, 1200's turntables, and a MIDI capable keyboard for the last few years....dumping it all onto a cassete tape for safe keeping!!??

I've finally decided to get serious about the quality of the music I am making and my ability to record it. (and i can finally afford to upgrade my gear a bit)

I have an out of the box Powerbook G4 (1GHZ, 60HD), and I want to keep as much of my existing setup as possible - but be able to record onto my hard drive/burn to CD.

I know that the choices are plenty...does anyone have any advice about what the best route would be while using the MPC as a launching pad?? While I'd still like to use the MPC as my main sequencer/sampler, I'd like to have enough room to grow with my software and interface where I'll be able to record instruments, vocals, etc.

Any information would be appreciated. Thanks much,


Écrit par : lepetitmartien mer. 26 nov. 2003, 18:38

Well… a "simple" audio editing would do.

In OS 9 you can't beat then ProTools Free.

In OS9 or X check for the Emagic Big Box (lots of bangs for the bucks) or Digital Performer. You may like Cubase too, but I will only councenl it in OSX. With these you will have a lot of openness on which rod to follow as you'll have complete packages in MIDI and audio, all the audio editing you'll ever need given your actual route, and things to explore (MIDI, plug ins, virtual instruments) cool.gif

The choice of a given app is really a choice of taste, chek the forum to have some input on some other software or their qualities/defaults. rolleyes.gif

Écrit par : krsboz sam. 29 nov. 2003, 20:03

thanks much for the reply Martien....
i picked up the Logic Big Box for starters. i figured i'd be a nice price point to cut my teeth on.

this thing is making me feel like i've never owned a computer before in my life....

the installation procedure is a cluster-f*** - plug-ins all over the place, folders's killin' me.

the registration procedure is even worse. email stuff, snail mail stuff to them then they send you the Exskey codes...!!?? Apple is going to have a field day cleaning up these guys acts....

thanks agian for your words....i'm know i'll be back here asking away.....



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