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440 Forums _ Getting Started _ How Good/bad Are Firewire 410s?

Écrit par : jonhell jeu. 3 nov. 2005, 21:53


I'm looking for a external interface for my Mac Mini, and I think I'm down to these choices: an Mbox (or Mbox 2), a Presonus Firebox and a FireWire 410.

I've worked with ProTools in the past, and I'd like to again, so that takes the Firebox out of the running.

And, I've heard the USB connection on the Mbox 1 and 2 has created latency problems for some people, so it looks like the 410 is the front-runner.

But now, I've read some Mac users complain about compatibility problems with the 410. Does anyone know if the problems have been with specific computers or operating systems? Or if the problems are now fixed with newly manufactured 410s?

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