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440 Forums _ Getting Started _ Pro-tools Mbox Installation Problem W/ Ilok

Écrit par : kaspaar mar. 30 août 2005, 06:49

I recently tried to install Pro Tools LE with my MBox onto my new PowerBook running Tiger. It worked fine on my iMac running Panther, but whenever I try to install it on my Powerbook some iLok security thing comes up and it closes the installation...I paid for the damn MBox and Pro Tools so I'd like to use it on whatever computer I want to! Any ideas?


Écrit par : banevt mar. 30 août 2005, 09:31

Are you trying to install the Pro Tools LE version compatible with Tiger? I believe it's 6.9.2

Écrit par : kaspaar mar. 30 août 2005, 10:33

do i have to download that or something? i got the mbox before tiger was out.


Écrit par : Favio mar. 30 août 2005, 12:22

Protools 6.9.2 is a free update if you have Protools 6.7 or 6.9. You can download it from the Digidesing support page. If you have not 6.7 or 6.9 the update costs 65,00 €.

Écrit par : JC pro mer. 31 août 2005, 14:34

Try inserting the disk and restarting your computer (while holding down the 'C' key until prompted to install).

Écrit par : tateric jeu. 1 sept. 2005, 19:08

Install 6.9.2, and uncheck the ilok menus that appear during plugins install.

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