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440 Forums _ Getting Started _ Getting Started With Virtual Instruments

Écrit par : mason lun. 14 mars 2005, 22:30

I've used MIDI sequences with a live band for many years. Generally my set-up has included an old mac laptop running Metro (Sagan Technologies) plus hardware tone modules.

Question: What's involved in using a Mac as a sound module (instruments). How powerful does the Mac need to be (speed, storage, processor)? In terms of instruments, my requirements are simply: bass, drums, keys, horns, strings, organs, pads, etc. Quick loading of songs is a must.

Any recommendations on compatible sequencing software and "instruments?"

If a little older technology will do, I'd like to avoid buying a new Mac.


Écrit par : gdoubleyou mer. 16 mars 2005, 19:44

need more info on your hardware, but if you are running OSX you can run Garage Band which has a large selection of good sounding built-in instruments.


Écrit par : Metro SE mer. 16 mars 2005, 20:26

If you upgrade to Metro 6 you will get the software instrument capability there (even under OS 9). You do need a lot of processor power to get the most out of virtual instruments but the rewards are also great. You can easily convert to audio at any time without any A/D or D/A conversion and your documents maintain the plug-ins settings so, for example, if you are using a sampler, all of the samples are automatically loaded.

You can upgrade to Metro 6

P.S. I recommend Sampletank 2 from as a good starting place.

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