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440 Forums _ Getting Started _ Bounce To Disk Midi Tracks

Écrit par : midiboy mar. 19 oct. 2004, 13:16

I'll be using an Imac G5, Digital Performer 4 and reason. My audio/midi interface is a Tascam US 122. How do i bounce my midi tracks? do i have to patch? tnx in advance for the help smile.gif

Écrit par : pdgood mar. 19 oct. 2004, 13:36

DP doesn't bounce midi to disk. You have to freeze your midi tracks first to convert them to audio. All tracks that you want to bounce must have the same output. Select them and then choose bounce to disk from the menu.

Écrit par : Marcia mer. 20 oct. 2004, 20:33

I'm also using DP4 on an Powerbook. I'm trying to work with virtual instruments/MIDI and have the same question here... except I'm using a virtual standalone instrument (Kompakt: Storm Drums). I have DP sending the MIDI info to Kompakt, but how do I get the playback to a recorded (bounced) track in DP again? Would I freeze this also? Will that work with a standalone virtual instrument via audio units? I'm new to this and it is very confusing, so any advice is appreciated.

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