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440 Forums _ Getting Started _ Motu Ultralite Vs Mbox 2 Pro

Écrit par : Maddcow dim. 13 juil. 2008, 10:57

Hi all.
A new member here and also a new MacBook Pro user.

Basically, I'd love some input as to which interface is generally better in terms of latency and overall performance: the Ultralite or the Mbox 2 Pro.

I'm a sax/wind synth player wanting to reduce outboard hardware and consolidate as much as possible with my MacBook Pro, audio/midi interface and software for live performance. I want to start using softsynths for my wind controller and also use software to add FX to my sax......whilst also using software to produce and send a mix to FOH and also a separate mix for my in-ear monitors. However, I also want an interface which is small and portable enough to carry around in my laptop bag with the MacBook Pro.

I'd ideally like 4 inputs minimum and at least 3 outputs and the two interfaces I've mentioned appear to be the most suited for the job, but would love some feedback from real-life users. I've also looked at the Presonus Firebox but have noticed that quite a number of users appear to have problems with these??

Any thoughts folks?


Écrit par : slexer lun. 14 juil. 2008, 01:28

I would suggest to consider the RME Fireface 400. Gives unlimited routing possibilities as it comes with a software matrix mixer, very low latency, great sound, bus powered, two of the eight inputs have phantom power, two are switchable to instrument level.


Écrit par : houstonmusic lun. 14 juil. 2008, 16:59

all three are ample for what you're suggesting you need to do, and more later. the MOTU unit is great, but the Mbox has a nice software suite with it.
the RME will set you back twice the gelt, so it's a bigger bite. for my money, the MOTU unit.

Écrit par : Maddcow lun. 14 juil. 2008, 22:21

I notice that the TC Electronics Konnekt Live is promoted as being specially suited for live performance.

Any thoughts on this one?

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