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440 Forums _ Getting Started _ Sequencing Software For Low End Mac

Écrit par : cumquat mer. 16 juin 2004, 09:19

need your help guys: i've got a stoneage-powerbook 520 (68k, 4mb ram, os 7.5.5) and used it together with micrologic av 2.0 (free logic demo version untill 1998) as midi sequencer for my hardware synths. recently emagic switched to micrologic version 4.0 which requires at least 8mb ram and os 8.0 or higher and i missed to backup the 2.0 version: that's why i'm looking for a alternative software. i already checked out easybeat, jasmine and others, but they don't work the way i'd like to use it:
i'm looking for a simple midi sequencing software for the "blackbird" to work with on stage (recording, looping (i don't need arranging facilities), muting, recognizing note-on/off, volume and velocity (no other controllers needed)) at best with all midi-tracks in one view.
in case you're about to recommend me to get a newer mac: i've got a titanium g4 876mhz too, but the "blackbird" looks as old as it is and therefore it's unlikely that it get snatched between soundchecks and should that happen, it's much cheaper to get a substitute.
i will appreciate any hint!

Écrit par : Lemmy mer. 16 juin 2004, 19:03

You might try Harmony Assistant by Myriad.

It requires os 8.6, but I used to run it on my blackbird 520 (with 12 MB ram installed, I believe-- 4 mb may not be enough). I don't know that it does all you want it to, but it's fairly flexible. As I remember, it comes with a set of GM instruments which the 520 was too slow to run; but I think it ran smoothly with the mac's built-in Quicktime instruments.

One caveat: I wasn't doing MIDI in/out with it, just sequencing with the internal instruments-- so I don't really know how good the MIDI support is. But it does claim to handle MIDI.

Écrit par : Bob Nova mer. 16 juin 2004, 23:38

This one should work, and it's a great MIDI sequencer,too.

Download the one called Studio Vision Fat. I know it runs on 7.5

You'll have to dial back it's memory requirement before you fire it up,though.

You can get an owner's manual here....

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