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440 Forums _ Getting Started _ Expanding To Audio

Écrit par : Ambeintz mar. 5 oct. 2004, 22:55

Hm,I've been playing around with MIDI and GarageBand for the past 6 months and ive really enjoyed it.But im a bit restless and I want something a little more competent,something that i can use for recording my sax as well as midi basically a USB/FW soundcard and some kind of sequencer.Can anyone recommend anything? smile.gif

my current set up is:
iBook G3 600mhz,640MB ram
Emagic MT4 MIDI interface, a midi keyboard and garageband..

Écrit par : Riverdog mer. 6 oct. 2004, 02:28

Sounds like you have a great setup for your current needs...
Depending on what you want to expand into - I'd say purchase Logic...
I've been a Logic Pro user for years and thoroughly enjoy Logic Pro6...
Though I would be the first to want you to purchase Logic - Sometimes the cost is rather prohibitive... I think that Logic Express would be a good package to get into - Unfortunately - I've heard through "Grapevines" that Express will not control External MIDI Gear... (?) (Anyone??)...

If this is the case you may not be able to expand much into anything if you can't control external gear...

But - If you were to purchase the full package / Logic Pro 6 and now 7 have a myriad of onboard synthesizers with massive programmability...

Hope this helps some...

Good Luck...

Écrit par : Ambeintz mer. 6 oct. 2004, 17:08

Thanks for your reccomendation,ive been thinking about Logic.Only thing is,as you say,isnt compatible with other synthesizers like Reason(?i think?)..which i want to incorporate into my music some time.I had a look at Pro Tools,which seems ok..only it doesnt seem too good when it comes to MIDI,has anyone had experience with it before?

Écrit par : Loki_malito jeu. 7 oct. 2004, 06:15

For me Pro Tools is my mainstay. I would not (to exclude analog recording) use anything else. I have worked with DP, and also watched a friend work with Cubase, but at the end I always enjoyed the flexibility that Pro Tools has. As far as MIDI, I have NEver had any complaints. It is a very versatile recording Program. I have the Digi002. If you want to know more about Pro Tools email me. Whatever you choose, good recordings to ya!


Écrit par : christianstraub ven. 8 oct. 2004, 10:11

Yes, ProTools is my favorite as well. It's the Simplicity of the layout. The Instantaneous reponse. I still use Digital performer to write music with and I beleive that DP will actually become the leading front end. But DIGI hardware for ins and outs...
CMS Producer/Songwritter rolleyes.gif

Écrit par : macyu ven. 8 oct. 2004, 10:53

QUOTE (Riverdog @ Oct 6 2004, 01:28)
package to get into - Unfortunately - I've heard through "Grapevines" that Express will not control External MIDI Gear... (?) (Anyone??)...

Basically that was talking about this new "External Instruments" plugin that lets you set up your external midi synths so they apper as if they're plugins under logic. Express can still use midi. You just need to do the routing of sounds yourself. I think the new express is an awesome deal, especially if you can get your hands on educational discount.

In any case, the protools suggestion is also good because the interface seems good and the mbox package will get you the software and the audiointerface which the ibook lacks. The only caveat is that the mbox although I heard is good sounding, has latency issues. People also don't trust audio over USB, but thats another can of worms.... Good luck

Écrit par : herbg ven. 8 oct. 2004, 17:50

Hey, I am a sax player to.. and I do most of my stuff in DP4 , it works great 4 me, as far as midi goes the improvement MOTU done makes it more fun.. I use virtual instruments. sampletank, unity session, and works good... but gotta say I also use Logic express from time to time.....

Écrit par : Ambeintz sam. 9 oct. 2004, 11:34

Thanks for all the advice smile.gif I think Logic Express looks like a great deal,but i think id need to buy a few extra instruments and synths with it.

I considered Digital Performer and Cubase too,but i dont know much about either unsure.gif

I've kind of dropped the idea of Pro Tools because of the expensive-ness of the hardware..and the fact you can only use Digidesign hardware,but i hope that'll all change..seeing as Avid have bought out M-Audio i think.Pro Tools is still probably the best option for working with audio though..

Écrit par : kaboombahchuck sam. 9 oct. 2004, 13:04

You owe it to yourself to check out It will do everything that you want and more. I don't know why everyone is so stuck on the "big boys".. They offer slow (if any support) rediculous prices, closed programming.. ect.

Écrit par : Riverdog dim. 10 oct. 2004, 17:20

Now that's a name I haven't seen for some time...!
I had Metro 5 when it was still owned by 12Tone (ie: Cakewalk)...

It had terrible patch handling capability concerning external Synths...
Has that changed at all???

Écrit par : kaboombahchuck lun. 11 oct. 2004, 06:10

Metro has changed a bit. I don't use external synths much any more, but with the advent of core midi things have become much better. Seems Metro still uses the old "cakewalk" patch names.. same as used with OMS.

The true step forward has come with the usabilities of softsynths and soundfonts (IMO). With the ability to render midi to audio using internal synths has vastly improved sound quality, ease of use, and speed.

There have been other leaps, such as the ability to utilize loops, able to pitch sift, and time shift.

CPU usage is now at or below that of logic.

There is a "G4" eddition spicificaly designed for the arcitecture of the G4 and G5 systems.

It aslo supports rewire.

Écrit par : Ambeintz mar. 19 oct. 2004, 21:53

ok will have a look at that.rewire support is nice though..

Écrit par : rickenbacker mer. 20 oct. 2004, 17:58

I think you'd end up buying extra instruments and synths, whatever app you go with… although the Logic bundle is one of the best available. The instruments and plug-ins are of the highest quality.

Logic can handle ReWire. IMHO, though, I think ReWire is over-rated, given the extra strain running two different music apps puts on your lil ol' CPU. If you can do it all in one app, your Mac will thank you.

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