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440 Forums _ Getting Started _ Preferred Encoder Format

Écrit par : Raoul ven. 24 sept. 2004, 01:30

I just bought an IPod/4th Gen./40GB. I need someone to recommed an encoding format for me to use on the ITune (4.6) which will be appropriat for my new IPod. I don't plan to change the format often, if ever.

Écrit par : swilder ven. 24 sept. 2004, 03:38

AAC and/or MP3 are the way to go. MP3 Is obviously more universal. AAC is better quality

Écrit par : pgroves ven. 24 sept. 2004, 12:28

AAC and/or MP3 are the way to go. MP3 Is obviously more universal. AAC is better quality

AAC is better quality at low bit rates, but MP3s encoded at high-ish bitrates (192kps upwards) with a decent encoder (like LAME - I use the LAME-iTunes plugin: can sound very good indeed, and works with more software than AAC currently does.



Écrit par : Raoul ven. 24 sept. 2004, 20:49

Thanks for the advise friends! smile.gif

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