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440 Forums _ Pro Tools _ Protools Error - Have To Restart Each Time

Écrit par : maxryzone jeu. 24 févr. 2005, 07:15


I installed ProTools LE 6.1. The install seem to go fine. I had plugged in the Mbox to the USB Port prior to installing. Well, when I start a new session and give the session a name, I click OK. However, after this point, it seems to always give me this hazy black screen and tells me that I must restart my computer.

Can anyone please tell me what does this mean? I have uninstalled and reinstalled the software, and I get the same message. Do I need something else installed???

I appreciate ANY ADVICE! Thank you.

Écrit par : stovall jeu. 24 févr. 2005, 12:41

I am just guessing, but you are trying to run 6.1 on a Panther system. If this is so, update ProTools to 6.4 and the CoreAudio to the latest version and you should be fine.

Écrit par : maxryzone jeu. 24 févr. 2005, 20:04

Is the update free? u have had this problem?

Écrit par : stovall jeu. 24 févr. 2005, 23:54

If you have 6.x the update to 6.4.x is free if you wish to go to 6.7 it costs $75US

Écrit par : maxryzone ven. 25 févr. 2005, 00:26

ok...thank you! I will try it tonight! Keep ur fingers crossed!

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