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440 Forums _ Pro Tools _ M-box By Digidesign

Écrit par : Mac1 mar. 23 juil. 2002, 17:54

Is anyone else using an M-Box with an I-Book?
This can't be this easy? wink.gif
If so has anyone encountered problems with usage?
Also are there any Tips and Tricks for this set-up?
Just curious.

Écrit par : rickenbacker mer. 24 juil. 2002, 13:16

Yes, it can - as long as you're happy with Pro Tools LE 5.2. The Mbox is very nice and works fine with an iBook and PTLE, it's just not quite as happy with other sequencing programs. Digi need to get ASIO drivers ready for Cubase, Logic etc. Apparently, this is a work in progress. Digi have also said that all their products will be OS X compatible by Christmas (I presume they mean this year!). As for Tips and Tricks, check out the website - they have an online magazine section which has a section called LE Boot Camp. That's pretty good for tips and there's a new column every month.

Écrit par : Synthetic ven. 26 juil. 2002, 19:36

not sure if you already knew this rickenbacker but there is an ASIO driver on Cubase web site for digidesign hardware but... I can't tell you for sure if it works with Mbox or not... I use it with my Digi001 and Reason. I think Logic would actually use the DAE setup rather than ASIO but I am not sure about that either as I am currently setting up Logic on my Digi001 and haven't had chance to test it fully.

Écrit par : damann sam. 27 juil. 2002, 03:13

you're damn right synthetic. laugh.gif
i'm gonna get my digi 001 using friend to check the cubase 001 asio driver out in logic. blink.gif
direct i/o kinda sucks dosen't it?

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