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440 Forums _ Pro Tools _ Pro Tools/grid Mode Editing

Écrit par : meadows.83 jeu. 18 mars 2004, 05:46

i'm in grid mode, and i'm trying to select a tiny piece of audio, like one drum hit, but i don't know how to lower the scale in grid mode, so i i can only select
a group of notes, like four or five, and not a single note. I know there is a way to lower the scale to 1/16th note, but i don't know how. anybody know?

Écrit par : theunderground jeu. 18 mars 2004, 07:48


there is a black horizontal bar in the edit window which is right above the tracks.

on the bar it says "Grid" "Nudge" and "Cursor."

next to the word "Grid" there are yellow numbers and a little white triangle (by default mine says "0|0|480").

click on the triangle and a menu will drop down; this is where you can select your grid size (all the way down to 1/64 note).

hope that helps you.

-David Kieffer

Écrit par : meadows.83 jeu. 18 mars 2004, 18:59

yes, that helps. thank you.

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