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440 Forums _ Pro Tools _ Pt Dae Error 6086

Écrit par : mixfisto lun. 4 sept. 2006, 20:51

HI, I'm personally a mac user, but am working with someone who uses a PC. As we try to record (even with only a few tracks and no plug-ins), it keeps stopping giveing us the messege dae error -6086. We are working on a 3 gig Pentium with 1.5 gb ram using XP home. we are using a seperate internal drive for the audio... I've tried following all of the install instuctions, etc, but no change. Can someone please help???

ps...I've also posted this on the PC posts, but it seems like only 2 people in 2006 has replied over there??!!

Écrit par : Jim Hoyland mar. 5 sept. 2006, 10:33

A full list of Digi error codes is at:

Does this help?

Écrit par : andru mar. 5 sept. 2006, 10:44

Hello, have you tried using an external drive? (to compare...)
scsi or usb, sometimes it helps me. ( I use a scsi myself...)
The internal bus can get overloaded...?
and cut down on the number of programs running when you do audio.
Just a thought.

Écrit par : mortalengines mar. 5 sept. 2006, 18:57

A little more info would help. What is your app that you are running between the Mac & the PC? Would it help if you just took tracks (I'm assuming midi & virtual instrument) & rendered them as straight audio "wav" or "aiff" files & inserted them as tracks in each other's files? This is an archaic way of working but I am guessing that it may be a little more hassle free. Keep us posted on your progress.

Écrit par : mixfisto mer. 6 sept. 2006, 03:56

Thaks for the replys...
Just to clarify things...
We are working with PT LE 7.0 (mostly audio tracks). On a Pc (I think it's a Dell) with a Pentium processor running at 3gig speed with 1.5 gb RAM. Its OS is Windows XP Home.
In the past I have gotten this Dae error -6086 while using a mac. It is basically saying that it needs a higher buffer size... but this is impossible in this case since it does this even when we are only using 1 track with no plug-ins. I've tried using all the buffer sizes, all of the CPU percentages, re-installing the PT software, etc..
It's very frustrating, especially since on a Mac I am 99% sure I could easliy figure this out!!!
Please, if anyone knows a PC Protools genius, I'ld love the help!
Thanks again

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