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440 Forums _ Pro Tools _ Upgrading Mac Os And Protools

Écrit par : epidermus dim. 5 févr. 2006, 21:46

I'm about to upgrade to Tiger and Protools 7 from 6.4. I record all my tracks and save all my sessions to an outboard firewire HD, and I'm wondering whether the complete change to a new OS and a new Protools version will allow me to keep working with those files. Am I being over-paranoid?

Écrit par : zeze lun. 6 févr. 2006, 07:42

just a bit epidermus;
i also upgraded from PT LE 6.4 to 7.0 and i can open all my old sessions without a problem.
both Tiger and PT 7 are a whole new great world and they deserve this upgrade.

Écrit par : Lamirbrook mar. 7 févr. 2006, 02:35

Hey that sounds cool, where can I upgrade to PT 7? I have LE 6.4 and will I be able to? How much does it cost? thanks.

Écrit par : mixfisto mar. 7 févr. 2006, 04:27

Here is a link to the PTLE 7 Upgrade page:
The cost is $75.- if you haven't bought your PT in the last few months (check website for exact date).
I have just gone from 6.4 to 6.9.2... nothing too amazing to report. Will jump to the 7 as soon as I make sure all my Apps can transfer and work smoothly. Really looking forward to being able to play and record Midi tracks in one track!
Also, sometime really soon, Digidesign is going to release (for a huge amount of like $400-$500) a package for LE systems that allows you to record up to 48 mono or 48 stereo tracks. It will also be able to use Beat Detective on multiple tracks (just like the HD version!!!). I have to really convince myself that it's worth the price wink.gif
Good luck

Écrit par : bcatcho mar. 7 févr. 2006, 20:53

Have a few martinis before you buy it. Thats always is a great way to convince myself of anything.

Écrit par : zeze mar. 7 févr. 2006, 21:04

QUOTE (bcatcho @ Feb 7 2006, 21:53)
Have a few martinis before you buy it. Thats always is a great way to convince myself of anything.

yeah nice one bcatcho! but it would be interesting to know whay do you really think of PT.

Écrit par : mkaudio lun. 17 juil. 2006, 21:06

I've heard that once you save the session in PT7 earlier versions of PT will not be able to open.
So be careful if you are using multiple workstations (ie - school or work studios).

Écrit par : Jim Hoyland mar. 18 juil. 2006, 08:26

If you need to step back from PT7 to an older version, use "File > Save Session Copy In". There's a drop-down "Format" tab that will allow you to save in a PT 6 or 5 format, though you do lose some information from your 7 session (i.e. the extra sends, mic pre info etc.)

I work in a uni with 1 PT7 HD system, 8 LE systems running 7 and 2 Mix+ systems running PT 5.1.1 and we have no problems using projects from studio to studio.

Écrit par : Jim Hoyland sam. 19 août 2006, 12:15

Actually, there is a slight issue with this - PT 6 onwards allows 12 db of fader gain as opposed to PT 5's 6 db, so be careful when creating a legacy session or you might end up with overloaded outputs.

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