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440 Forums _ Logic Express & Logic Pro _ Sampler Help!

Écrit par : Jayou jeu. 21 févr. 2008, 16:22

Why is it that when I put a sample into the sampler on Logic it loses all it's fatness and bass? When I try to play it back on my keyboard it just sounds really puney like it's lost its umph. Am I doing something wrong or is there a way to stop this?

Écrit par : mortalengines ven. 22 févr. 2008, 07:46

I have noticed this with Reason's Dr Rex and NNXT samplers as well and (I think) the problem may be with the filter section that the sample passes thru on the way out. Maybe mess around with the types of filters (lo pass, hi pass, etc) or maybe see if it helps to even turn off the filter section completely.

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