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440 Forums _ Logic Express & Logic Pro _ Bouncing Crash

Écrit par : waynenoel jeu. 14 déc. 2006, 09:10

Hi. Every time I try to bounce, LP Crashes. And my export options are lacking.
The menu only shows: "Export...MIDI", but I think it should say "Export... >". I have tried reinstalling it, and the issues remain the same. Any suggestions?

Écrit par : lepetitmartien jeu. 14 déc. 2006, 15:05

Hey, have you all the permissions on the hard drive you bounce to? select the drive in the finder, ask for its informations, and at the bottom check the box in owner & permissions as to override them. Note: don't do this on your system drive, never ! If you try to bounce on your system drive and you have this issue, it's something else.

Écrit par : gdoubleyou jeu. 14 déc. 2006, 17:49

also are you bouncing from the menu? it will default to outputs 1-2.

Bounce from the button on your master channel strip. You will get a dialog that allows you to choose bit depth, file format, and dithering options.


Écrit par : waynenoel ven. 15 déc. 2006, 06:47

Hey thanx for the responses. I have clicked on the mixer bounce button also, and it crashes then too. EIther way, it crashes before the dialog that allows you to choose bit depth, file format, and dithering options.

Écrit par : lepetitmartien ven. 15 déc. 2006, 13:49

Wayne, have you had a look at the permissions I've written about?

If possible, have a go without external plug-ins too.

Écrit par : waynenoel sam. 16 déc. 2006, 10:07

Hey. Yeah, I checked out the permissions, but I'm not getting the option to tell Logic Pro where to bounce to. So I'm assuming it would be set for the system hard drive. But either way it doesn't open any dialog windows after clicking "bounce". It thinks for a second and then Logic just quits immediately.

Écrit par : lepetitmartien lun. 18 déc. 2006, 05:08

Are you using the latest update or not?

Écrit par : lupo424 lun. 18 déc. 2006, 12:57

I have your same problem wayne wink.gif. i have changed the permisions and it still crashes..... if u find any solutions please tell me, thanx

Écrit par : gdoubleyou lun. 18 déc. 2006, 20:32

Mkae sure you have the latest Pro Application support patch, that pertains to your version of logic and the vesion of the OS.(different patches for 10.3 and 10.4)


Écrit par : lepetitmartien mar. 19 déc. 2006, 01:37

Thanks gdoubleyou, I always forget this one… blink.gif cool.gif

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