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440 Forums _ Logic Express & Logic Pro _ Sound For Movie In Logic

Écrit par : markwhite lun. 13 juin 2005, 11:17

I have been asked to score music for a film and use Logic Express 6 on a G5. I recently bought the moeg2 enabler for Quicktime to allow playback of the movie in logic, ut I now have no sound from the movie ie. dialogue.

Would this be a Logic setting (cant find anything, there is a video setting but not many options) or a setting in Quicktime.

Any help greatly appreciated as the manuals are crap as usual.

Écrit par : lepetitmartien mar. 14 juin 2005, 02:03

Which version of Quicktime is it? If it's the 7, have you done the update or not?

7 gives headaches to a lot of people btw…

Écrit par : arvidtp mar. 14 juin 2005, 05:37

in the movie settings dialog under the song settings in Logic pro 6 i remember a popup menu to specify if the movie's audio should play through.

A better way to do this though, if the movie's sound is going to part of your final mix, is to export the sound track from the movie to AIFF (There are various ways including Quicktime Pro, and if there is not on OS X besides QT Pro and you do not have that, then our old OS 9 buddy soundapp i think will do it running in classic as long as the audio is not in some crazy newfangled compression format) and import the AIFF into your session on an audio track, while keeping the movie itself mute. This will give you the greatest flexibility with the original audio track. Even if the movie sound track will not be in your final mix, it still would be best to have as an audio track for listening flexibility, or if u just cant get it to play back directly smile.gif

yeah - QT 7... installed it, everything seemed great, until i could not burn a DVD of my video work without iDVD crashing. The 6.5.2 re-installer fixed that problem wink.gif

Écrit par : markwhite mar. 14 juin 2005, 10:41

Thanks for the advice guys. Im on Logic Express so some of the video settings are very limited. I actually worked out that I had some incorrect audio setting when making the DVD to mov conversion.

I have now managed to do it with audio, but what it does is seperates the movie into about 5 different mov files each of 1.42 GB. Is this a maximum file size or something??? I wouldn't have thought that would be the case, although I have got Quicktime (not Pro- but do have the mpeg 2 enabler now). When I run the DVD it runs the movie after a small menu system, it then just plays to the end of the movie a and finishes.

Whereas when I convert to mov files I get all sorts of out-takes etc. To try to overcome this I just converted the biggest (main movie I thought) file but it was short.

However by just converting the one biggest VOB file I lose any audio, like before.

On my next posting I can include files that are on the DVD(ie VOB and audio) if that would help.

but PLEASE keep the advice coming, I'm getting there.

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