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440 Forums _ Logic Express & Logic Pro _ Viruses For Macs / Logic 7

Écrit par : jsonic jeu. 14 oct. 2004, 22:39

One of the reasons I get my friends to buy Mac besides the music is because most of the viruses that people seem to get are written for microsoft users because of the way they treat there customers.

Looking at the way they have treat Logic users, it won't be long till the virus creators are crashing our machines, back all your music up.

I got Logic 7, its appearance is depressing, the pluggins are good, I can't bus my UAD or powercore, and I CAN'T TAKE MY PROJECT TO ANOTHER STUDIO WITH L6 AND BE 100% CONFIDENT ITS GOING TO WORK.

I'm back on Logic6, surely thats not right???????????? Do apple not realise that most musicians are skint?

And I'm very upset of the upgrade price, especially as I can't use waves with it, I spoke to the UK tech helpline and they said it was down to waves, hmmm I also asked them why stylus wasn't working as I had downloaded the upgrade from Spectrasonics, "Oh yes I believe there is a problem with that" is the answer I got, sort it out.

I know I shouldn't have my music computer connected to the internet, but i spent so much on studio equipment and Logic upgrades i can't afford a separate computer for that.

An un happy manc

Manchester, UK

Écrit par : bensuthers ven. 15 oct. 2004, 00:31

hint: it's logic that's your problem. try live.

Écrit par : swilder ven. 15 oct. 2004, 01:52

Apple bought emagic for one reason. To have an audio app to package along with final cut pro and dvd studio pro. That's how they're primarily marketing it. So is anyone really surprised about how this has not been a good upgrade experience for dedicated music types?

I'm betting that as long as logic works well with the other apple video apps. You're not going to see apple rushing to make it backwards compatible any time soon.

Too bad. I'll stick with software made specifically for what I do. Music Recording.

Écrit par : editbrain ven. 15 oct. 2004, 03:57

why can you not use your waves plugs? i am using mine. you have to authorize them manually. doesn't mean that the plug doesn't work.
it has something to do with the authority "mumbo jumbo". i did get them to work. thanks to another post and some hunting around.
i understand about logic being on the level with apple upgrades. totally. i am going to be seriously pissed if i have to pay for logic 7 support. i have never had to pay for logic support. if i do...i will probably never buy another version again. i just got bitten by the upgrade. i bought 6 pro (upgrade from big box), and to tell you the truth. it wasn't that big of a help. But it seems that 7 works a little better. i can use aaf format now when i have to do scores for films, and the new plugs are pretty nice.
all in all i think that the main problem is that logic is not a truely install and use application. never has been. apps like live, reason, etc have been pretty much like set your audio driver and go. with apps like logic that are so intuitive your bound to have pissed off people when they don't know how to use it.

go preferences > start au manager > check your waves plugins say yes to the error when you start logic. hush your eager whimpering and enjoy logic 7. p.s. tongue.gif

just kidding. enjoy life biggrin.gif

Écrit par : majn ven. 15 oct. 2004, 10:07

Anybody else noticed a bug with Track Automation?

It looks like if you load a logic 6 song into Logic 7 - and you already have track automation - you can't use it in Logic 7, you can't delete it in Logic 7 and you can't modify it in Logic 7 (well - you can - it just doesn't recognise it).

If you go back to Logic 6 it gets even worse - and the only way to rectify the situation is to convert the song to Logic 4.8!!!!!!!!! and then convert it back to 6. This isn't good when you have a customer sat in the studio with you.

I'm still using 6 until I / they iron the bugs out. If I have to pay for them to tell me what is wrong with it .....

The one thing I do like in Logic 7 is the ability to export all tracks as audio - which means you can easily transfer your data to something else which isn't so buggy!

Écrit par : editbrain ven. 15 oct. 2004, 13:49

I don't have this issue. Sorry to hear that you do.
I haven't seen the bug that you mention in logic 7.

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