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440 Forums _ Other Controllers, Interfaces, DSP Cards _ Multi-track Recording

Écrit par : groovesalad dim. 28 juil. 2002, 16:43

Anyone know of hardware and software that will allow my Powerbook G4 do multi-track recording?

Écrit par : damann dim. 28 juil. 2002, 19:00

this is a very BIG question! wink.gif
more information would help here.
there's so much available, especially under os9. blink.gif
what's your budget like?
specifically, what kind of "multi-track recording"?
etc, etc...

Écrit par : Yukulele dim. 28 juil. 2002, 20:57

QUOTE (groovesalad @ Jul 28 2002, 17:43)
Anyone know of hardware and software that will allow my Powerbook G4 do multi-track recording?


For 8 simultaneous tracks recording:

MOTU 828
MOTU 896
Metric Halo Mobile I/O

RME Hammerfall with proper i/o


See websites for more infos, or links right here on MacMusic ;-)

Écrit par : groovesalad dim. 28 juil. 2002, 21:44

Here is what I am wanting to do. I have Oktava Mc012 mics that I would like to run into a pre-amp ( right now I have the UA-5 ) and I run the UA-5 into my Powerbook G4 by a USB cable. That right there gives me a Digital Audience recording (DAUD). I would also like to do, at the same time, a DSBD ( Digital Soundboard ) recording. I would like the DSBD to be put into Track 1, while the DAUD is put into Track 2. This gives me the option of adjusting the levels for the DAUD and DSBD recordings seperately. Also, this will enable me to obtain two completely different syles of recording but with only one laptop. My budget isn't that tight, but it can't be over $5,000. Any ideas?

Also, this hardware has to be able to not need too much power as I'll be doing field recording and might have to bring my own power source.

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