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440 Forums _ Other Controllers, Interfaces, DSP Cards _ Sunflower / Garageband / Dp

Écrit par : Nels ven. 13 janv. 2006, 06:42

Like many, I use GarageBand to sort ideas before starting a project in DP. I recently dowmloaded Sunflower(on a whim) to be able to use the GarageBand drum kits in Digital Performer, which now I can. However, later I noticed that Guitar Rig is no longer recognized by GarageBand and so I'm thinking that Sunflower within GarageBand/preferences now is the culprit. The message reads, .."Guitar Rig is not available".

It's not dire that I be able to use Guitar Rig in GarageBand, but it would be nice to solve the puzzle. So, how can I uninstall Sunflower? Except for the Package Installer of Sunflower, the plugin is nowhere to be found and the Package Installer cannot be opened.

Just thought there might be someone else with similar issues. Hope the above described is clear enough.


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