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440 Forums _ Plug-Ins and Virtual Instruments _ Auto Tune

Écrit par : aquaman dim. 7 sept. 2003, 17:53

Does anyone know of an auto tune plugin compatible with osx and cubase sl? Thanks rolleyes.gif

Écrit par : minglemangle jeu. 11 sept. 2003, 18:20

maybe I'm stating the obvious... doesn't cubase support VST? Anatares makes VST Autotune for OS X.

I'm using a VST-AU wrapper currently to get my VST AutoTune plugin to work with DP4.1 on OSX.

Hope that helps.

Écrit par : aquaman sam. 13 sept. 2003, 15:06

Thanks. One more question. What is the functional difference between the three (or more) Autotune packages out there. The PC is the cheapest, then the VST(and other formats) on PC and Mac, and I have found a third for the Mac. Is the price difference just format?

Écrit par : RecordingArts dim. 14 sept. 2003, 12:13

Any word when Antares is going to make an AU version of AutoTune? I have the MAS OS9 version and would like an AudioUnits version for DP 4.1on OSX. The MAS version for DP 3.11 on OS9 couldn't be automated which was a bit weak.

Écrit par : minglemangle lun. 15 sept. 2003, 17:25

I emailed Antares about this a week or two ago because I really wanted Autotune for DP4.01 (before 4.1) came out, and they said they were planning on releasing a MAS version sometime in the next month.

Still, I found that my VST-AU shell works great on all my VST plugins, especially Autotune, and is pretty seamless with DP4.1.

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