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440 Forums _ Plug-Ins and Virtual Instruments _ Guitar Tube Amp Simulator

Écrit par : tweedmusic sam. 21 nov. 2009, 08:28

Hi Fellow Seekers,
I am looking for the best guitar amp effects simulator which has a characteristic Tube/ Valve Amp Sound as a priority. I have always used an old Fender 67 Super Reverb and minimal effects. Now , I am unable to lug amps and effects , so i am looking for the best vintage valve sound i can find. I am hoping there are guitarists in this forum who use a mac and guitar software live at gigs , who can recommend based on real experience.
I have tried Overloud TH1 and personally I think the basic amp and cabinet sounds are not so good.
I don't beleive in hiding shortcomings in tone with loads of overdrive , distortion and effects.
Any real help based on real experience will be sincerely appreciated

Écrit par : houstonmusic sam. 21 nov. 2009, 17:15

I like the line 6 options. Pod Farm with whichever interface works best for you. i've got an older TonePort Gold interface, but the current crop has different names. there's a scaled down entry level one with limited models, but i'd go for the full package. in any case, relatively inexpensive. and VERY convincing. some extreme sounds, but the clean and valve models are quite good.
it seems so much will depend on what you're going to play it through, if you're gigging. planning on going through the PA? hmm. one thing i've NEVER gotten from these modeling rigs is the feeling of playing in the amp's sound field, the interaction with the guitar and the amp. just saying. maybe a boutique 5 watt is an option for you. good luck.

Écrit par : Ty Ford dim. 22 nov. 2009, 16:06

If you truly mean minimal effects, I find the Groove Tubes Ditto and Brick tube-based direct boxes to be very old fender sounding. I have pre-CBS Vibrolux and Super-Reverb.


Ty Ford

Écrit par : mortalengines mar. 24 nov. 2009, 05:15

The Amplitube Fender package is also very nice.

Écrit par : tweedmusic mar. 24 nov. 2009, 11:53

Hi ,
Thanks all of you for your time and energy. It sounds like you guys have been there... I am using my own PA with monitors so i am hoping to move enough air around to get the interaction with the instrument. If you want the picture it is 2 x 15 powered drivers , 2x 10's powered monitors and a powered sub ..solo covers electric and my own stuff that is mainly acoustic . I record my own drums and bass using VST .
I've got a L6 pod X live still in the box here , so I am encouraged by your recommendation of L6. I am glad you have that a software option won't cut it live ..there is guitar rig kontrol , the ik stuff , can you recommend a 5 watt amp ? I will check out the tube and brick DI option also . If any of you guys have tried this gear live let me know your recommendations , ( based on my original post )
I hope to hear from you again.

Écrit par : mortalengines mer. 25 nov. 2009, 22:26

The little Fender champion 500 is a good little amp for home recording. There is a Vox 5 watt amp that is a modeling amp that I quite like as well. There is also the Blackheart and that one is 3 or 5 watts switchable and that one gets quite could probably play over a drummmer with it.. Roland Cubes are pretty neat as well. Laney makes some good little 5 watt amps too.

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