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440 Forums _ Plug-Ins and Virtual Instruments _ Does Waves Do Mac Plugins?

Écrit par : nacho45 jeu. 19 févr. 2004, 05:26

Does Waves do Mac Plugins?

Écrit par : cathode jeu. 19 févr. 2004, 05:45

Waves does Mac plugins big time.
I use the platinum package with Pro Tools

Écrit par : nacho45 jeu. 19 févr. 2004, 05:58

Awesome. I'm switching from PC to Mac and I don't think I can do it w/o my Waves Plugins

Écrit par : RGirardi jeu. 19 févr. 2004, 19:31

of course they do. I've used the gold bundle for years and couldn't live without it!

Écrit par : David Coffin jeu. 19 févr. 2004, 22:48

May I butt in with a query?

I've had the Gold bundle for a while, but haven't yet upgraded to the OSX version....and I wonder if it's worth it to spring for the Platinum upgrade...specifically, is L2 THAT much better than L1?
Appreciate any comments!
David Coffin

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