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440 Forums _ Audio Melting Pot _ Pod Pro With A/d Converter

Écrit par : cleft lun. 6 janv. 2003, 22:14

I'm looking to upgrade my system to include a Pod Pro and a new A/D converter to complement my Digi001 system. I'll be running the Pod Pro direct (without amp micing), so I wanted some advice on how people route their direct analog & digital gear to either a Lucid AD9624 or Apogee Rosetta.

My confusion lies in how it'll be best to clock this setup. Since only the Rosetta has WordClock "out", I'm assuming that's a better option for being able to use my new converter as a masterclock for both the 001 and Pod Pro.

But my questions are:

1) do people use the digital "outs" of the Pod Pro?

2) Would I be better off running the 1/4" analog outs into the Apogee or Lucid converter? Or would I be better off plugging the guitar straight into the Apogee and somehow inserting the Pod Pro later in the chain?

3) What is the benefit of something like the Pod Pro having digital "outs", but no digital "ins"? Would it be simply to bypass a poorer A/D converter than the Pod's?

4) Is there a need or benefit to using an external preamp like the RME RNP in conjunction with the Pod Pro? Or are external preamps really just for mics and mics only?

Thanks for any suggestions smile.gif

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