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440 Forums _ Audio Melting Pot _ Best Minidisk Player To Get?

Écrit par : Muse49 mar. 24 juin 2003, 17:04

Professionals. Please post any advice about which Mini Disk player serves you best as
- sketchpad
- field recorder
- rack mount
- found any with built in mikes?

Écrit par : gahlord sam. 3 avril 2004, 22:17

No one ever replied to this but I will.

I have a sharp MT-80. It rocks in the field and as a sketchbook. The main issues you want to keep an eye on are:

1. Mic/Line inputs (some models ... usually Sony... only have one of these types of input).

2. Can you adjust record gain mid-recording. Early Sony's required you to stop recording, readjust the gain, then begin recording again... kinda janky.

I believe newer Sony's have eliminated the problems above. But just get yourself something and get to work. Don't spend more than 200 bucks either.

And get yourself some Core-sound binaural mics too. You won't regret it.


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